Chapter 40:

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Ilsie's POV:

I felt incredibly guilty. I would never be able to fully forgive myself for what I said to Len. And he would never be able to forgive me or refuse my apology...which made it all worse. However, taking care of his sister would make me feel better. She was greedy and proud but I could put up with that.

After the funeral I allowed Luki to walk me home. Rin said she was going to take a walk. I wanted to go with her but Emi had already stepped up.

"I'll go with you." She smiled.

We all stared in shock. Emi was usually very quiet and shy, she was sweet but it usually took her a little while before she made friends with a person.

"Thank you." Rin sniffled.

The two walked off.

"Well there goes my best friend." Gumi smiled wanly, her eyes were still red and puffy.

"I'll walk you home." Oliver smiled.

That made us even more confused. Oliver wanted to walk Gumi home? Even stranger: She accepted! Fukase just left with a smile, which left Luki and I.

"He would have forgiven you." Luki said.

"Excuse me?"

"Len. He would have forgiven you. He isn't the type to hold grudges. I bet he wasn't ever even cross with you. He blamed himself more than anyone else. I bet he and Miku are in heaven watching over you right now." Luki looked straight into my eyes.

"Oh...thank you." I mumbled. The next thing I knew, Luki was walking me home with his arm through mine. The sadness that hadn't come when I first heard it was Len, or even at the funeral, now washed over me. I was also glad. It was comforting to think that Miku and Len were watching over me. 

I started to cry.

Luki's POV:

Ilsie actually let me walk her home! I think that may not be a good thing though, because it probably means that she's so upset that she doesn't care.

All of a sudden, out of the blue, I heard her sniff. I looked down at her and saw tears creeping down her cheeks.

"Ilsie! Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"N...nothing. Just...thank you for saying that. It made me feel better." She whispered.

It made her feel better? Then why was she crying? Girls are so confusing. They say they're fine when they're not, the cry when they're happy, sad, angry...I just don't understand. Oh well.

Emi's POV:

I walked with Rin into the woods. She wanted to go to the lake and so that is where we went.

When we got there I instantly saw the bloodstain on the grass. So this is where it happened? It might not be a good idea to be here after all.

"Oh no..." I heard Rin whisper. She knelt down in the grass and started to cry all over again.

"It's okay Rin...they both forgive you." I tried to comfort her.

I heard a rustling in the bushes and out stepped Neru. She was holding some folded boys clothes. I wanted to run but decided to stay with Rin.

"Well hello there your highness. What a day!" She giggled. 

"What do you want?" Rin demanded, standing up.

"My pay of course!" Neru smiled. "I did your work and now you had better pay up. I can always report you to the authorities you know. I didn't just kill Miku for nothing."

"Your pay is that I'm not going to kill you. Now go." Rin waved her hand.

"Oh I don't think so. You see, you don't actually have any authority over me." Neru smiled and stepped forward.

"G...go away." Rin stammered.

"No...I don't think I will. You'll pay me one way or another." Neru's eyes flashed.

I snapped. I was fed up with Neru and her attitude. She's bullied me all my life, hurt people, killed one of my friends, and now she was threatening poor Rin?

I stood in front of Rin and held out my arms. "Back off Neru." I spat. "We're done with you and if you don't leave right now, I'm going to pay you back for everything. Leave Rillian alone."

"Aw little Emi! You finally grew up!" Neru smirked. "Now get out of the way before you both get hurt. You can go run and cry to Fukase."

I picked up a rock and threw it at her arm.

"OW!" She cried. "Are you really so childish that you need to throw rocks as a defense?" 

"You've heard the story of the boy and the giant haven't you?" I asked. "Now get out of here." I picked up a much larger rock and held it in the air.

"Lucky for you I didn't come with anything to fight with." Neru spat and walked off.

I turned to Rin, she was staring at me with narrowed eyes. "How did you know?" She inquired.

I smiled shyly. "Well...I just have really good intuition I guess." 

"You aren't going to tell anyone are you!?" Rin cried, her eyes widening with fear.

"Of course not!" I reassured her. "Why would I do that?"

"Because I killed both of your friends." She mumbled.

"Are you sorry for it?" I asked.

"Y...yes. I wish I had never done it...I...I..." Rin stammered.

"Rin will you tell me your story? I want to know exactly what happened." I smiled.

She sighed but told me the story. Her side at least. I shiver ran down my spine. She had been possessed! Not only that but the demons had left her just so that she could feel guilty for everything she's done!?

I feel so bad for her. I always feel pity for people who have done wrong.

"Rin, unless you have somewhere else...would you like to stay at my house? My mother wouldn't mind a bit!"

"M...maybe. I guess I can stay the night and if I can't think of anything else..."


Rin stayed. We became very close and were practically sisters. I missed having a sibling. Everyone in the group worked hard to make sure Rin felt included...but me and Ilsie worked especially hard. And she didn't even know! I would never tell Rin's secret. I would protect her for Len.

She deserves a second chance...

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