Chapter 27:

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Kaito's POV:

It was snack time. The bell struck three and the servant boy came inside to escort Rillian to the dining hall. She asked me to stay but I declined politely. The wagon was still here and I meant to introduce myself to the peasant girl.

I held my head up high as I walked outside. Rillian had said that they were unloading much more food today since they were late and so she had taxed more. The girl was standing just outside of the wagon, waiting for her father to return.

When she saw me her eyes widened and she curtsied. "Y...your majesty." She  stammered.

I laughed, took her hand, and kissed it. "Well hello there."

She looked up with confusion in her eyes. " there something you need?"

"Yes there is in fact." I replied frankly. "I need you to come back to my castle."

"WHA...I mean...excuse me...your highness?"

"You may speak." I nodded.

"B...but why? W...why..."

"Because I love you." I smiled, imagining how she would reply to that. She would blush and smile and agree excitedly.

Instead she blushed from embarrassment and shook her head. "Oh! No! Your majesty you're supposed to marry the princess!" She cried. "And...and I'm a farm girl!"

I was stunned. Was this her only reasoning? "I don't have to marry her. I am a prince and can do as I please." I announced.

"Y...your highness?" She quivered.

"What?" I asked with a sigh. This was not going at all as it did in my head.

"W...what if I love someone else already?" She asked fearfully.

That stupid pig of a servant! I spun on my heel and left, feeling extremely humiliated. Was she just testing me to see if I would get upset at that? I would ask her again the next time I came to the castle. Stupid peasants.

Miku's POV:

My father came out of the castle and looked at me. I guess I must have gotten pale because he asked: "Where's the ghost?"

"N...nowhere." I stuttered. Why couldn't I stop shaking? Why did the prince want me to come to his castle? I was so confused.

In the wagon on the way home I started to laugh. It all was a bit comical when I thought it over. He had looked so surprised when I had turned him down. I had to tell Ilsie about this, she would find it as funny as I did. She once had told me that any prince would fall in love with me the second he laid eyes on me. I can't wait to tell her that she is a prophet!

"And you turned him down?" Ilsie asked quietly.

"Of course!" I cried. She wasn't finding it funny after all.

"Good. I don't want him taking away my best friend." She smiled.

"Ilsie isn't it a little bit funny?" I asked in exasperation. 

"It isn't funny to lose your best friend." She stated. What was she talking about!? Didn't she know I would never leave her?

"Oh Ilsie. You know you're never going to lose me! i wouldn't leave you for anything!" I cried and gave her a hug.

"Even Len?" She asked angrily.

"As far as I can're stuck with me." I smiled. What was going on this week? Everyone was acting so strangely. Even Len come to think of it. He was strangely quiet and looked as if he was longing to tell me something. It seemed important but when I asked if he wanted to talk about something he just said he had a lot on his mind.

"Miku, would you love me no matter who I was?" He had asked.

"Of course!" I had laughed. "As long as you were still you!"

He smiled a little. "So if I was an assassin?"

I knew my eyes widened but I still laughed. "I don't think you could ever have been an assassin. You're too nice."

"What if I was a prince?"

"Of course Len! I already told you I would love you no matter what!"

"Would you be comfortable being a queen if you had to?" He kept firing questions at me.

"Yes, but if you were a prince you would have to teach me how to be regal." I beamed at the thought of all the rules of etiquette I might break by accident.

Then he got a faraway look and didn't talk to me for a while. He ended by kissing my hand and saying: "I will always protect you."

This was his usual way of saying goodbye so I wasn't surprised when he ran off.

Why did he keep asking me questions about princes? Did he know beforehand that Prince Kaito had liked me!? Maybe he was jealous and thought I would like him better if he were rich? Why are people so confusing!?

Len's foster father died. I wasn't sure how he felt about it though because he wouldn't talk about that either. I felt bad for him. He had just gotten a family and it was immediately taken away from him.

What a time to be alive in this chaotic world!

A/N: I am bored so I know this chapter stinks. Thank you for putting up with me >-<

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