Chapter 32:

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Miku's POV:

"Sorry Miku..." Len smirked as he lunged forward.

I jumped back, quick enough to avoid lethal contact but not quite quick enough. A pain shot up my left arm and I saw it had been sliced by the knife. "L...Len what are you..."

He lunged at me again.

This time I avoided any contact with the knife as I jumped behind a tree. What was Len doing? Why was he trying to hurt me?

"You can't dodge forever!" He cried.

I stumbled against another tree just as Len jumped forward once again. I closed my eyes. There was no way I could avoid this deadly slash of the knife.

I heard a grunt and opened my eyes.

In front of my stood...Len? And in front of him was also Len...what was going on?

Len's POV:

I had come back to see someone lunging at Miku with a knife. She hid behind a tree. I wanted to yell for her to run but knew my better bet would be to sneak up on the person.

Miku backed into a tree. The person jumped forward and raised the knife...but I reached her first. I blocked the stroke by grabbing the boy's arm. This boy looked a little

"L...Len?" Miku's voice whimpered.

"Are you okay!?" I cried and shoved the person back.

"I just got a little cut...that's all..." She mumbled.

I turned to face her and saw a huge gash across her arm. Why was this person doing this to her!? I turned back to him and saw he was wearing my uniform. Had Rillian sent him!?

"Queens orders boy." The boy growled. "Better move out of the way."

My sister really did order her death? I stepped in front of Miku. Anything else...anything but this.

"Very well." The boy cackled and started darting every which way. The idiot. I took a breath and said a prayer of thanks for all the years Germaine had trained me with a sword.

"Miku I need you to run home okay?" I said.

"No!" Miku yelled. "You need to come too!"

"I'll be fine now go!" I commanded.

"No. I'm not going...LEN WATCH OUT!" Miku screamed.

I ducked a swipe from my opponents blade, then let fall out the dagger I kept in a pocket inside my vest. You never did know who was after you in this chaotic world. I blocked his next stroke.

"If you don't leave now...I won't think twice about hurting you." I glowered.

The boy laughed. "You really think I'm afraid of being hurt?" He side glanced Miku before slashing down at my feet. I jumped up and used the handle of my dagger to smash his face.

The boy stumbled back, grasping his cheek. Then he growled at me. "You wouldn't really go against the queen's orders would you?"

"Only when they're to kill the people I care about the most." I said calmly taking a step forward. The further I could get him away from Miku the better. I glanced over at Miku she was standing in front of the tree, a wild look of fear in her eyes. She grasped her bleeding arm and I could see she was shaking.

"Pity she has to die." The boy giggled.

That made me snap. I hurled myself at this evil being and let my anger out. It was all he could do to block my lightning quick slashes. He stumbled on a rock and fell back into the pond with a yelp.

I pointed my knife down at him. "Do you surrender?"

"I...I..." He stammered, a look of defeat in his eyes. Then a slow smile spread across his face. "I never surrender."

He threw his knife at me, which I barely dodged.

"Sorry. Guess you missed." I smirked.

"Guess I didn't." He smiled evilly.

I turned and saw where the knife was headed. It all happened in slow motion.

I ran over just as the knife made contact with her. Miku fell.

"NO!" I screamed.

The boy ran away.

I reached Miku and knelt down. It was bad...he got her in the stomach area. If the actual blow didn't kill her, the blood loss would. There was nowhere I could bring her in time.

I had lost.

"L...Len?" She quivered.

I took her hand. "Miku please don't go. Hang on okay? I'm going to get you home."

Miku smiled weakly. "I't..." Her grip on my hand tightened. "L...Len the...the..."

I could feel my eyes starting to water.

"No...don't cry...please..." Miku gasped.

"It's not fair..." I whispered.

"I......" Miku started, but she never finished.

She was gone. The world turned grey. All my dreams, hopes, I could feel them dissolving.

Her hand slipped out of mine as it went limp. The tears fell down. How would I tell her father? I had said I would protect was all my fault. 

I picked up her...body...and made my way slowly out of the forest.

It was dark. The wolf came and whimpered beside me, licking my hand. It walked with me until I reached Miku's house. I gave the door a quick and urgent knock.

Mr. Hatsune opened the door with a smile, a smile that disappeared as soon as he saw Miku.

"What happened?" He demanded.

I looked up at him.

"Come in son." He whispered.

Mr. Hatsune's POV:

His tear stained face...what had happened to my daughter?

"M...Mr. Hatsune I..." The boy broke down into sobs.

I took my daughter's body from him and laid her on the couch.

"There was a boy and he...he...I wasn't there in time I couldn't...I could have..."

"Be quiet." I said quietly and looked him over. The majority of the blood on him wasn't his, but he had a few nasty cuts and gashes. "You tried to save her?" I asked

He nodded since his tongue was failing him. "I couldn't...I's my fault. I'm so sorry!" He wailed.

I puled him into a hug. "You are a brave lad, thank you for trying." I said slowly. I felt empty inside. My beloved daughter was gone. I had no one left. Part of me wanted to rage at Len for letting my daughter die, but my common sense knew that he hadn't let it happen at all. The poor boy was probably as heartbroken as I was. He didn't have anyone else either. "It's not your fault son. I know you tried your best."

He pulled away and looked up at me. He seemed to be trying to read my eyes to see if I was lying.

"Why don't you stay here tonight? It's getting late." I patted his shoulder, which I shouldn't have done because I realized he had a cut there from how he winced.

"I...I can't..." He glanced over at Miku.

"Yes you can because that wasn't a request." I declared. "You go right on upstairs and get to bed."

He was too broken to argue and obediently went upstairs.

Miku was with her mother now...I know she's in heaven. She was too good for this world.

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