Chapter 34:

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Miku's POV:


"Hello there." Said a man wearing a white coat when I opened my eyes. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked.

"M...Miku." I stammered. What was going on? The lights on the ceiling glared down into my eyes, and they weren't lanterns or candles!

"Hello Miku. I know this might be confusing for you right now but don't worry. We'll have you shown to your room and soon everything will make sense."

I walked with another man through a long hallway with shining white floors and walls.One of the rooms we passed contained more men like him and their was someone laying on a table.

"Who's that?" I asked the man.

"I'm not allowed to divulge anything about our work here yet." The man smiled. "But if the experiment works as successfully as it did with you than I feel you may get to meet someone you might know."

End Flashback

I still wasn't allowed in the room. I didn't know what was really going on. All I knew was that I was alive again. I tried to forget about what had happened, and the intense sorrow that I know Len must have gone through but I still have dreams about him.

I opened my eyes to get up and start the day. I must have slept through the now familiar beeping of my "alarm clock".

Something wasn't right.

The room wasn't mine anymore, instead it was more like what I had before all of this.

I stood from the bed I had been laying on and looked around. a candle was lighted on the nightstand. It was just starting to get dark outside. I turned the other way to investigate more. Was that Len!? He was opening the drawer of a desk.

Was I in the castle? The room must be his!

Then Len pulled something out of the drawer that made me pale and gasp. A knife.

I could hear him crying softly to himself. Was I still dead here? How far in the future do I come back?

Len Turned the knife in his hand and held the point to his throat. He drew it back.

"Len no! NO! Don't do it!" I screamed.

He turned and when he saw me he dropped the knife.

"M...Miku?" He mumbled.

"Len why? Why would you do this?" I started to cry too.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to let it happen. I...I...can't live...without you." He whispered.

"No that's not what I meant." I cried. "Len I'm not angry with you!"

"How can you forgive me?" His tears started to drop faster.

"But it wasn't your fault!" I smiled.

Len stepped forward and reached out to take my hand. His hand went through mine.

"It's not fair." He mumbled.

Then everything started to get blurry.

"No! Miku don't leave me!" He cried and tried to grab my hand again.

"L...Len don't kill yourself okay?" I asked. "Promise me you'll keep living for me?"

"But it's not fair!" He cried again and I saw him fall down.

"Please Len." I begged. "Please."

He nodded his head.

"I love you Len." I whispered.

He looked up at me.

As things got fuzzier and fuzzier, I bent down and kissed him. I don't know if he could feel it, but I could. I hoped that he saw it and that this wasn't a dream. I hoped he would keep living. I hoped he didn't blame himself too much. It wasn't his fault.

My vision cleared and I saw a few men standing over me.

"Miss Miku are you okay? You passed out during rehearsal."

I smiled sadly. "I'm wonderful...but he's not."


Len's POV:

I threw the knife into the sea and made my way to the throne room.

She made me promise, and sealed the promise with a kiss. How was it that I wasn't able to touch her...but when she kissed me I could feel it? Knowing she must be watching over me comforted me somewhat, along with the fact that she didn't blame me.

Rillian sat at the head of the banquet table. She smiled innocently at me.

I bowed.

"What is for snack today?" She asked me. I think I might have imagined it, but her voice seemed to shake a little.

"Today we have created a brioche for you're majesty." I smiled and bowed.

Rin's POV:

Len was still kind to me and that made everything worse. If he had yelled at me, been cross, or mourned I would have felt better. But he smiled and bowed as always. You would never even suspect what had happened if it hadn't been for an occasional look that came into his eyes. A look of such intense sorrow that it hurt me to look at him.

One of the days that the look had come into his eyes was when I had asked him about his wishes.

"Why do you never go down to the ocean anymore? Do you not wish my happiness?" I asked.

"Of course I wish your happiness my queen." He had bowed his head. "I have moved on from that childish game is all." He had said.

"I thought you said that the spirit told you your wishes would come true." I pointed out.

"The spirit lied." He said quietly. "It was a mistake to ever believe him in the first place."

Then came the look. He must have wished for something about the girl. And again a wave of guilt came over me.

I refrained from asking him such a question again.

He still went into town on the weekend, but as my spy had informed me he went straight to the orphanage and so far hasn't come out. I wonder why he doesn't go and play with his friends?

I never think these thoughts for long, whatever possessed me this last time always tried to keep those thoughts at bay.

The captain of the guard came an reported me he had carried out my wishes. All of the green haired women had been killed. This was to ensure the girl had no chance to escape. Of course it was evident that this wasn't necessary. 

Another twinge of guilt came when I recalled Len's appearance when he came back to the castle. How could he not hate me?

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