Chapter 39:

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Emi's POV:

I knew who Rin was. She was Rillian. She had confirmed my suspicions about Len being the prince when she said she had ruined his life. She kept repeating that over and over again, also sometimes saying she needed a second chance to make things right. I felt so bad for her. She must feel so guilty, I hope maybe I can help her feel better. Everyone was waiting for us at the graveyard.

"Emi you have to do the asking." Luki announced.

"Me? Why?" I wondered.

"Because the old grave digger likes you the best." Oliver smirked.

I sighed. "All right." I went up to the door and knocked.

"What!?" A gruff voice called out.

"Excuse me?" I called. "I need you help." The door swung open.

"Ah little Emi! Come to give your brother more flowers?"

"No sir...I need your help." I looked up at him entreatingly.

"If it be in my power than consider it done." He smiled.

"Sir, one of my friends was killed." I sniffed and wiped at my eyes, which were threatening to spill tears again. "He has no family, would you please help us bury him?"

He stood there a minute.

"A strange request but a grantable one. As long as you have the casket that is."

"We have one!" I clapped my hands. "Gumi's father gave us one!"

"Alrighty I'll get my colleague to come and help me preserve the body."


Gumi's POV:

After what felt like FOREVER. The grave digger came out. I could tell he had a bajillion questions about how Len got killed. His head being off his body and all. And of course the noticeable fact that he was wearing a dress.

We held small funeral service for him, which consisted of us and the old grave digger.

I let myself be upset and cry. I don't like to cry and I usually hide my negative emotions around the group but no one could blame me for crying here.

I pitied poor little Rin. While it was hard for Miku's father and us when she died, we didn't have to listen to people cheering as if everything was suddenly made right by her death.

That must have been tough.

Rin cried her eyes out until Luki said he was going to get us all something to eat. Then she wiped her eyes. "I'm going to move on. I'm not ever going to think about it." She declared.

That wasn't the best way to go about it. Eventually her emotions would overflow and she would burst. Denying your feelings is almost worse than lashing out and having it over with. I should know. When my other uncle Charlie died I refused to talk about it until one day I just burst out crying and threw things around and felt completely utterly alone.

As long as she was happy I guess it was okay for now...

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