Chapter 35:

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Ilsie's POV:

I felt just a little bit bad for yelling at Len. I still hurt inside that my best friend was gone. Gumi and everyone really chewed me out for telling him I wished he had died. Maybe I was wrong...maybe he really did try to protect her. It was too hard to tell if the blood that covered him was Miku's or his own.

I hate whoever killed her. I want to kill them myself in the slowest possible way so that they'll regret what they've done. Miku was my best friend, she was there for me when I needed her most and I wasn't there for her.


I ran into the forest to escape. The girls and boys of the village had been taunting me again because of my white hair and red eyes. They made my life miserable. All I wanted was a friend...just a friend that I could talk with. My own father hated me just because of how I looked. Luckily for me, he died before he hurt me any worse than a few beatings when I was five.

I collapsed against a tree and sobbed. "Oh please oh please...please send me a friend." I prayed between sobs. "Just one friend...please!" I begged, who was I praying to? I have no idea.

I stood in despair. I knew I needed to get home soon. Our work was the only thing keeping me and my mother alive. I had to keep going for her. It would be better to take the route through the woods to get home though, otherwise I might get beaten.

I went around the tree and saw a girl lying there. Her breath was shallow and she looked very sick. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen with long teal hair and fair skin. If only I looked like her! Then everyone in the village would love me.

I didn't want to leave the poor girl here, so I carried her home with me. I am very strong from all of the hard work I do in gardens and at farms.

I brought her home and laid her in my bed. Mother made her some tea while I watched over her.

Soon she woke up and looked at me.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped. I was waiting for her to laugh at me or maybe recoil just like everyone else.

My mother hurried in. "Oh please don't mind her, dear. She just doesn't know how to act around people, being tormented all her life. She's the one that brought you here and tended to you. You were very sick you know."

I stood to leave the room. Why did my mother have to embarrass me like this?

Later the girl came downstairs.

"I suppose you'll be leaving now?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Oh no! I have nowhere to go! I don't know where my father is. Do you think I could stay here? I will pay for board."

And somehow we actually let her stay. four days later my mother met Miku's father at the market and brought him to our house.

"Thank you so much for helping my little Miku!" He cried when he saw me. He pulled me into a big hug.

Miku went home with her father, but we had become best friends over her stay. We saw each other every day for years.

Then her father had decided to move to Lucifenia. He offered me and my mother a job on his farm with a considerably better salary than the one we currently had.

And so we left Elphegort. We lived in Lucifenia for less than three days before Miku made friends with the group. That was fine, I was still her best friend and everyone knew it. Besides none of them ever even thought of my appearance, in fact Luki even seemed to think me pretty. Then she met HIM, and now she was gone.

It wasn't fair.

Emi's POV:

It was Saturday. A week since Miku had died. We all had gone to the funeral and I had seen Len there but he avoided us.

He was still avoiding us. I saw him this Friday but he never came to join the group. That was okay, I wouldn't force him to. He felt so terribly but I didn't know how to comfort him.

I didn't feel like going to the group today anyway. It would be too hard. There were crowds of people on the street yelling angry hateful things. It was because the queen had sent soldiers to Elphegort and had them kill all of the green haired girls that were Miku's age.

That was how I knew it was her that ordered Miku's death. I was angry with her but I wasn't going to tell anyone in the group. Especially Ilsie.

I just wish Len would come back to the group! I met him on the street. His eyes were wild with fear and he ran right past me. He mounted a horse and rode away as fast as the horse would go.

"Hey!" A man shouted. "That boy took my horse!"

What was Len doing?

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