Chapter 22:

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Miku's POV:

" your eyes!" Len exclaimed. His excitement was evident by his tone.

I took my hands off my face and gasped. We were at the lake. There were lanterns everywhere! Besides the lanterns, there were millions of fireflies that danced around like stars.

"Oh Len!" I cried. It was so beautiful!

Len beamed. "Did I do a good job?" He asked teasingly.

"Yes." I answered and nodded my head.

The full moon hung in the sky, making the scene even more beautiful.

A soft breeze blew. Throwing my hair into my face, it sort of ruined the effect. I wish I had worn twin-tails. I took the ribbons off of my wrists (which I had put there just in case) and proceeded to try and tie them.

"Here...let me." Len took the ribbons and gestured for me to sit.

He sat behind me and tied my hair up in twin-tails with the ribbons expertly. 

I laughed. "Where did you learn that?"

Len laughed too. "When you live in the same building as twenty little pick up a few things."

Len finished and sat beside me. "Do you want to talk first, or do the special thing I brought?"

"Both!" I announced happily. There was another surprise!?

Len stood and pulled me up. "Alright let's go. It will take a while to get there."

We walked hand-in-hand along the lake and whispered. It seemed appropriate to whisper here, lest we break the sacred spell of the forest.

"I think," Len smiled up at the sky. "That I'm going to get drunk again tonight."

"Me too." I agreed.

"It's wonderful having someone that loves me in this world. I don't think you know how happy it has made me Miku."

"I'm happy too." I looked up at the stars and could feel Len's gaze on me.

"Miku, you're the sweetest girl in the world." He whispered and squeezed my hand.

My heart thrilled. This was my first time hearing those words uttered from the mouth of one that loved me like Len did. Is it any wonder that I felt the way I did? Everyone who hears such a thing like that for the first time must feel the way I do.

Although I can't see how it would be as beautiful without Len saying it.

The next moment I felt that there was someone else here with us. I looked down and at Len's side was a wolf. I wonder if it was the same one?

"Hullo there." Len mumbled and stroked the beast's fur.

The wolf stuck out its tongue and thanked Len for petting it.

Len shook his hand and smiled.

I pet the wolf too as we walked. "Are you the same wolf as last time?" I asked quietly.

The wolf looked up at me and then his head bobbed up and down.

I stared down at it.

"I think that when the full moon is out, the beasts become tame and talk with each other." Len declared.

"And with us." I added glancing down at the wolf, which looked at me and seemed to smile.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, listening to the sounds of different animals.

Crickets and frogs were heard chirping. Owls held deep conversation among the tall oaks. All while the fireflies lit the earth and the lone wolf padded along beside us.

The grass gave way to sand and I heard waves laughing in the background.

"Are we at the ocean?" I asked.

"Yes." Len confirmed.

I breathed in the salty air. The moon's reflection shone in the waves.

Len went over to a rock and pulled something out from behind it. He showed it to me and it turned out to be a bottle, pen, and a piece of paper.

I raised my head quizzically.

"A long time ago when I was very young I was visited by a spirit." Len started. "He gave me the secret of the ocean and now whatever pure hearted thing I wish and put into this bottle will be granted."

I beamed. 

"Do you believe me?" Len asked worriedly.

"Of course!" I laughed. "You would never lie or tell stories to me if they weren't good and true."

Len smiled in relief. "Yes. I wouldn't. If you could have anything, what would you wish for?"

"But I don't want anything." I said happily. "I have everything I need. I have you, my father, Ilsie, the group..."

"What would you wish for?" Len asked again.

I smiled and took the paper that Len handed to me.

'I wish that Len will be happy and realize how many people love him. And that he will get whatever he wishes for.'

Len took my note and read it. He smiled at me and then scribbled something as well.

I read his note with a smile before he put it in the bottle and tossed it into the ocean. I breathed a prayer that my wish was pure hearted enough for the spirit to grant it.

Len drew me to himself with a question in his eyes. He read the answer in my own and then...

No one would ever know about this. It was too beautiful to spoil with words. Len's last wish had come true... I would never forget.

Fully intoxicated by the moonlight and a bit of something more beautiful, we walked home. Leaving only the fireflies and the lone wolf to know of our twilight tryst.

Len's Note:

'I wish that Miku and I will be together as long as we live. That every selfish wish in her heart will be granted. And that we both will remember this beautiful night.'

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