Chapter 25:

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Rillian's POV:

Early the next morning I heard a tapping at my balcony door. It was the girl so I unlocked said door for her to enter.

"Alright..." She sat down in a chair and folded her arms. "First I need to know more about the captain."

I told her as briefly as I could about everything. I wondered how she could help me with Len. 

She pulled something out of a pouch and raised it up to eye-level. 

"This is a traceless poison." She smiled. "A few drips of this in his food and he'll never wake from his sleep."

"But Le...people might get suspicious. And it is a well known fact that I was told to honor the captain."

"Tell me more about your servant." The girl commanded. I didn't like this girl. She thought she could order me around!?

I quickly (and angrily) told her all that I knew of Len. She was particularly interested in the bottled wishes. She asked questions as to whether he really believed his wishes would come true. I of course told her yes.

"Well it will be extremely easy then!" The girl (who by this time had revealed herself as Neru) said. "All we have to do is make up a lie and get your servant to wish for the captain to die. He'll think his wish came true and no one need be any the wiser."

Neru had me rehearse my lines before she left.

At precisely eight o'clock Len entered my room. I was kneeling by my bed with my head in my arms. Trying to look upset.

"Your Majesty? Is something wrong!?" Len hurried over to me.

" is wrong..." I whimpered.

"Why are you lying? You are clearly upset..." Len helped me up.

"Well...I...I know that you were thinking about having the captain adopt you...but...but..." I stammered.

Len smiled knowingly. He seemed to think I was upset that he was leaving the castle.

"I don't know how to tell you this..." I sobbed and sat on my bed.

"It's alright." Len comforted. "You can tell me."

"A...a reliable source has been...has...been...spying on the captain and...he plans" I sobbed. "And I don't want to kill him because he was going to adopt you...but he wants to adopt you so he could take you would be out of the way...or you would kill me."

Len staggered back. "Captain...Leonheart?"

I nodded and wiped at my tears. 

Len's face looked sad. But then it changed into anger. Was he angry at me? Did he know? Had he somehow found out?

"I wish...I wish that my father hadn't told me to respect him..." I stammered. A little nervously for I thought Len might have found out. I hoped the plan wouldn't fail. Neru told me to mention the word "Wish" to get it in his mind.

Len looked at me. "One can still respect the dead." He said simply.

"B...but the court..." I was shocked but glad that this was working.

"I can wish for him to die, his sleep. It is, after all, pure hearted to wish to protect someone isn't it?" He mumbled. Than he muttered something even quieter but I caught the word: "Sister."

"Oh Len...I'm so sorry!" I wailed. I hope I'm not overdoing this.

"It''s not your fault." He smiled weakly. "I'll go and carry out the plan if you wish."

"Oh thank you Len!" I forced a smile. It was easy to make it looked forced, because it really was forced. Len's eye's were filled with such despair that it made me shudder.

He went down that very minute to carry out the deed. While Neru was slipping the poison into the captain's food.

Len's POV:

I...I can't believe it. How could he betray me like that? I had just been starting to think he might actually care for me.

I was walking through the hall to go to the ocean when HE approached me.

"Hullo son. You haven't told Princess Rillian about our little arrangement have you?" Captain Leonheart asked.

" sir..."

"That is well, "He smiled. "I don't know how she would take it, being that it's evident she hates me."

"Is there something you want...sir?" I asked hoping to get him to go away.

"Ah yes Len! There is something I wanted to ask. I had the most splendid idea. I was thinking maybe we should go on a little trip for some bonding time. Of course I would have to report into the castle so we wouldn't go far, but I thought It might be nice for you to get away from the castle for a while." He smiled.

So it was true. Now I had to believe it. What other reason would he have? The bonding was obviously a cover up.

" thank you s..sir..."

He looked surprised. "Why not son? I thought you would be GLAD to get away! The princess has you do heaps of dirty work that a boy should never have to do!" He ended by muttering: "She isn't fit for the crown."

A cold fit of despair washed over me. That was all that had to be said. All the doubt that Rillian's source might be mistaken vanished. I had to protect my sister.

I bowed and ran to the beach. The death note was quickly scribbled and tossed into the ocean. I felt terrible. My head was spinning. The world was spinning.

And then it all went black.


It started as it usually did.

mother and father were still alive. I gave Miss Megurine all the money she needed for her and the children. Then Miku came, laughing with her arms full of flowers.

Rillian tried to banish her from the court but she refused to go and stood at my side. Then she cried out and fell.

Things around me descended into chaos. I was glued to the throne and couldn't move.

Then a hoard of angry people barged into the throne room and took me captive. Rillian started to cry and Miku laid still on the floor.

But I wasn't scared, I was happy. I smiled at Rillian to comfort her and then a bell struck three and I felt a sharp pain at my neck.

Then the light came.

I stood and saw I was on the beach. How had I gotten there? I remember. I wonder why this dream was always haunting me. Did it mean something? If I didn't despise oracles so much I would ask what it meant. I thought I saw an inky shape on the horizon, between the waves and sun. But it disappeared when I looked again.

It was time to go back to the castle. I hope that my wish comes true. I would do anything to protect Rillian. Even if it means I must commit evil acts.

Even if I have to give my life to do so.

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