Chapter 9:

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Len's POV:

Miku wouldn't really talk to me for the rest of the walk. There and back to town. I decided not to push her.

We got to the group and were greeted. Ilsie was the only one who noticed that Miku's face was red. She glared at me. I didn't know why though, it's not like I did anything to her!

"So today the accomplished Len leaves us." Gumi announced and raised a twig in salute.

"He's coming back next weekend." Luki pointed out. Ilsie muttered something under her breath.

"What's it like working at the castle?" Emi asked. "Some say it's terrible."

"It really isn't." I sighed. "People just don't understand the princess."

"If you could be a princess...would you? Or prince." Gumi asked.

"No. I would rather not." Emi said. "I feel like the pressure would be too much and there is always something or someone threatening your life."

"I would rather be a knight." Luki announced. "I want to go to war. It sounds like loads of excitement."

"Does killing people sound exciting to you?" Ilsie inquired.

" just...uh...Len! You work at the would you want to be royal so you could have all that was there?"

"No. I don't want any-thing  there."

"I have an idea!" Gumi announced.

"Uh oh." Oliver moaned.

"Shut up. Okay so how about we all get to be kings and queens? We crowned Miku queen of the forest, so now we each just need our own places."

"Can I have the market?" Oliver asked. "I'm starving."

"I think Emi should be queen of the meadow." Gumi declared.

"And you should be queen of the roosters." Oliver smirked.

"No. I'll be queen of the brook."

"I'll be the king of the barn." Fukase cracked a smile. "I love animals."

"Ilsie should be queen of the stars." Luki said with a far off catch in his voice.

"I will be queen of the convent." Ilsie snapped. Then she relaxed again. "It's always so peaceful there. I just love it."

"Luki can be king of the streets since he likes fighting so much." Gumi piped up.

"I think Len should be king of the woods since he brought us there. It suits him." Emi smiled.

"But MIKU is the queen of the woods." Ilsie pointed out.

"So she is!" Gumi gave off a sinister smile. "But it really does suit them both."

Emi looked confused. "I forgot that Miku was queen of the woods. They can both be of the woods can't they?"

"No they can NOT." Ilsie's eyes flashed.

"Well it doesn't have to be the SAME woods!" Emi cried.

"But Miku was already crowned there, and you said yourself that Len found it so he should be king there." Gumi cackled.

"I...I...oh I don't care! Let them decide!" Emi gave up, and put Miku and I in an awkward situation. Emi was still young inside and so she didn't understand Gumi's jabs and Ilsie's anger. I myself didn't fully understand Ilsie's hate for me. I knew it obviously had something to do with me and Miku.

"Maybe..." Miku said, speaking up for the first time. "Len can be king of the wolves." She looked at me with her eyes sparkling.

I tried to hold back a laugh.

Gumi suddenly became dead serious. "The wolf...interesting choice."

"Why?" Emi asked.

"My father told me a story about his brother last night." Gumi said mysteriously. "My uncle when he was young had gone to an oracle..."

I shuddered a little.

"...Sometimes the oracle will tell you your soul's animal. And my uncle's was a wolf."

"What does this have to do with Len?" Oliver asked.

"Well she said that his soul's animal was the wolf because the wolf is Intelligent, loyal, and takes it upon himself to be a guardian. I'd like to see how that description doesn't fit Len perfectly."

"You forgot a few." Emi said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. You forgot kind."

"And shaggy!" Luki laughed rubbing my head.

"Stop please." I said.

"Anyway. I bet if Len ever met a wolf it wouldn't kill him." Gumi ended.

"We should each find out what our soul animal is!" Oliver exclaimed.

"I don't need to. I already know mine." Gumi's eyes twinkled.

"What are you?" Ilsie asked.

Gumi sighed. "My dad said I don't even need to go to the oracle. He said I'm definitely and otter or...or...a... or a rooster."

Oliver laughed.

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