Chapter 38:

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Len's POV:

The fated hour has arrived. Now that it was here, I wasn't scared anymore. I was sad that this would be my final act of service for sister. How beautiful was it, that I could give my life to save her's? The guards grabbed me by my arms roughly and led me outdoors. A smile came to my face as I remembered the moonlight walk I had had with Miku. I suddenly felt like a poet again while the tragedy and beauty of it all filled my soul.

I was led up to the guillotine. A man stood there and listed all of "my" crimes. Then he made a long speech on how the country would finally be free.

At the last minute, I saw her. She pushed her way between two men and stared up at me with tears flooding down her face. I couldn't have that. I wanted my last moments to be with her smiling.

The bell tower started to strike three. A cheer rose from the crowd at every strike.

The last gong, the death bell tolled.

"Oh look!" I cried.

The crowd all paused.

"It's snack time!" Then I looked directly at Rin. "Smile for me..." I mouthed. She tried her best and choked down her tears to smile just as the command was given.

Rillian's POV:

I had thought I wouldn't come I didn't want to see. The demons had left me with the weight of all the things they had made me do...but Len had always been there from me, even if I hadn't known it. So I should be there for him. I shoved my way through the crowd and got right up to the front.

How could they be cheering and happy when my brother was about to be killed?

The bell started to toll. Len looked down at me with a sorrowful look in his eyes. An expression I understood, meant that he was sorry for me. He was HAPPY to lay down his life for me. I couldn't stop my sobs. My heart was tearing apart.

The final death bell rang.

"Oh look!" Len cried.

I looked up.

"It's snack time!" He said and smiled at me. Then he mouthed: "Smile for me..."

How could I? Didn't he know I couldn't?

I tried my hardest and finally forced a smile. I closed my eyes.


It was done. A cheer erupted from the heartless crowd.

I broke down and sobbed. Soon the center of town was clear. Everyone had gone to celebrate. I was left alone to mourn and cry for my brother.

It was my fault. I had killed him.

I wasn't going to think about it anymore. I wouldn't be able to live if I did.

Where would I stay? I had no home now.

I curled up on a doorstep to shield myself from the rain that was now drizzling. It comforted me a bit that it was raining. Mother had told me it always rains when good people die. I felt that it should be pouring.

A girl came up to me. "L...Len? I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know it hurt you too when she was killed..."

"I'm not Len..." I whispered and looked up into the girl's eyes.

"W...who? You look just like him." She stammered.

"I am his...sister."

"Why are you crying? Today is a day to celebrate you know. The queen was killed for her crimes and now we will be free."

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