Chapter 15:

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Kaito's POV:

Rillian and I were on the balcony. I stood there in silence feeling as if this was all forced. Rillian's father had offered her hand in marriage to me. Well, it was really to MY father seeing as I was too young to make my own decisions. 

I knew that Rillian was in love with me, and I liked her well enough to spend my life with her but I wanted to feel as if I had a say in the matter.

That's when I saw her...a girl with beautiful teal hair, who was walking with that boy. I couldn't bring my gaze away from her. She walked with a humble grace, and although I could tell she was a simple country girl, It seemed to me that she looked as if she should be a royal.

"Kaito are you listening to me!?" Rillian cried angrily.

"Of course dearest." I replied absently.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped and crossed over to the edge of the balcony.

"Is that your chamberlain?" I asked, although I already knew.

"Y...yes." Came the reply. I looked at Rillian. At first she looked angrily down at them, but then she shrugged as if to get rid of a thought. "Ah. Who cares about them?" She smiled sweetly at me.

Then the bell tolled three. 

"Oh look!" She clapped her hands. "It's snack time!"

Rillian's POV:

So this was the girl! The girl that had stolen MY chamberlain's heart. The hateful teal haired girl that thought she could come to my castle and take him away!

I banished the thought from my head. Why should I care? If it wasn't her today it would be someone else tomorrow. Besides, I had my dearest Kaito!

"Dearest" Kaito practically ignored me the rest of the day.

"So your servant...forgive me...chamberlain was talking with this girl. I wonder how long this has been going on."

"Not long of course." I replied. "She only comes with her father once a week on Mondays to deliver food."


And such.

When Kaito left and Len came back, he had the look in his eyes again. He looked like he might be in a far off dream land and not respond, but he always did.

"Oh I had nearly forgotten!" I had laughed. "What did you say to Captain Avadonia?" 

"Well your highness." He started, but was cut off as a servant walked into the room.

"Your majesty...your dinner is ready!"

I glared at him while he exited faster than a frightened mouse.

I stood to go and get to my meal. This was usually about the time where Len would go down and put his wish into the sea. 
While I walked to the dining hall (Len always accompanied me that far) I decided to poke my nose further into his bottle business. 

"Why do you have to do it every day?" I asked, "And how can you be so sure it will come true?"

"I do it every day because it is important to me. As for how I'm sure it will come true...the spirit promised me it would. He said it would because I did him an act of service." He answered.

I entered the dining hall and Len left. There on the table was a glorious feast. I was starving.

Len's POV:

With bottle, pen, and paper in hand, I marched down to the shore. The stars of twilight shone down and reflected in the waves.

I sat on the sand and started to write my usual wish. I was about to put it in the bottle, but I paused. There was something else I wanted to wish for as well.

I scribbled my wish down on the paper and tossed it into the sea. I smiled and went back to the castle light of heart. Confident that the contents of my note would be fulfilled.

~Let my sister Rillian be happy. I wish that she will have a wonderful life, even if she never remembers me.

Please also let Miku love me as I love her. If it's possible, I would like to be with her forever.

Thank you for granting my wishes.


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