Chapter 19:

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Len's POV:

I was extremely nervous. Miku's father was a kind man, so I didn't see why I was so anxious. He couldn't be so heartless as to refuse me permission could he?

After what seemed to me like an eternity, Miku's father finally came into the little house. He paused and then smiled at me.

"Hullo there son." He greeted. "What brings you here today?" Mr. Hatsune sat across from me.

"S...sir I would like to speak with you please." I announced.

Miku's father looked back and forth from me and Miku.

"I see. Miku why don't you run off and feed the poor chickens before they starve."

"Yes papa." Miku gave me one last encouraging smile before disappearing through the door.

"Now out with it." Mr. Hatsune declared.

"Sir...I would like your permission to court Miku." I said as calmly as I could, for my heart was racing.

"Is that right?" Mr. Hatsune mumbled. Then he looked me straight in the eye. "Why?"

"Well, it wouldn't be proper for me to court her without..."

"No. Why do you wish to court her?" He asked without any emotion.

"Because sir, I love her." I replied. What a silly question that had been.

"Because she's comely?" 

"She is very beautiful." I agreed. "But even if I were blind it wouldn't change how much I care for her."

"We are very poor and she has no dowry." Mr. Hatsune pointed out.

"That isn't important to me. I am GLAD you aren't rich. It would make me feel even worse about what I can offer."

"What CAN you offer boy?"

A tricky question. Why should a boy my age be made to answer it? "Myself. My love and protection. I know I will never be rich..."

"You say protection, but would you die for her?"

"Yes." I answered that without hesitation. My young and active imagination had already played out plenty of such scenarios many a time.

"If I said no...would you obey me?" Mr. Hatsune looked down and began to smoke tobacco. 

This was an even harder question. It was the right thing to obey his wishes...but if I loved Miku and Miku loved me...could anything really keep us apart?

I pondered the question for a few minutes until finally answering: "I would try to, but I fear I would fail miserably quickly."

Mr. Hatsune nodded his head. "Alright you sly puss, get in here. I know you're at the door."

Miku came into the room a little flushed. Her father gestured towards me. "Do you wish to have this boy court you?"

"Oh yes please father!" Miku pleaded.

"Then let it be so. I know better than to try and separate young lovebirds."

Miku threw herself at me and cried out happily. I hugged her back and looked up thankfully at her father. He beamed down on me, in his eyes there was a small trace of sadness. A sadness, I understood, that was because his daughter was growing up.

"Now how nervous and uncomfortable did I make you?" Mr. Hatsune asked, a twinkle in his eye. "This was my first time consenting and I don't think I made you as nervous as I could have."

"Father!" Miku cried.

I laughed. "I was as nervous as anyone else is when they approach the princess."

Mr. Hatsune let out a loud guffaw. "Well I suppose that means I owe you an apology for scaring you into your grave."

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