Chapter 3:

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Len's POV:

I went off to oversee the farmer's delivery. I had been informed that this farmer had only just come to the town nearby and that he was a very poor man. He made just enough with his farming to pay his taxes. My heart always went out to people like him.

When Rillian told me to "oversee" something she really meant to spy. There were already overseers but she said that she trusted me to tell her if anything bad happened that they wouldn't tell her of.

I hid behind a perfectly trimmed hedge and watched as a pair of hands handed the bags containing food to the farmer and a few servants. I couldn't see the owner of the hands due to the covered wagon's covering. I was close enough to hear everything they were saying as well.

"Careful not to break your back girl!" The farmer said kindly to the pair of hands. "Or else I won't bring you again."

I heard a small laugh. "Oh father the palace is so lovely! You must take me again just so that I can see it!"

The old man chuckled and then he and the servants brought the bags inside. There was no one left except the person I knew to be inside the covered wagon.

Soon after the farmer and the servants had left the owner of the hands lowered herself out of the wagon. She was a girl of about my age dressed the same as almost any girl I had seen in the small town outside the castle. She had long teal hair tied back in two long twin-tails.

She looked around the courtyard with delight in her eyes. She went up the stairs and looked around at the plants and fountains.

"If only I could be in a place as lovely as this all of the time!" She whispered to herself. Then she turned back to go down the stairs and began to descend.

I saw the pebble on the bottom step just as she took another step down.

The person I was wouldn't permit me to stay hidden in the hedge. I ran around it and caught her hands before she fully hit the ground. 

She was frozen kneeling down for a moment out of the shock of what had just happened and then looked up into my eyes.

What beautiful eyes she had!

I stood and helped her up. Then I bowed. "You should be more careful miss." I said.

The girl looked down at her feet. I could tell she was embarrassed. On top of that I assumed she must be shy.

"I...I'm sorry...I know I shouldn't be wandering around..."

"I was more concerned about you falling than you wandering." I smiled.

"Thank you for catching me...may I ask the name of my rescuer?"

"My name is Len." I answered her.

"Len..." She said as if testing my name. "It's very fitting I think. I must get into the cart before my father comes back but I hope I can see you again. If I ever am allowed to come back that is."

"I wouldn't object to that." I said carefully.

The girl smiled shyly and went back to the cart. I went back to my hiding spot in the brush and waited for them to leave.

I liked the girl. She seemed very nice and I wouldn't mind seeing her again. In the excitement of the moment I forgot to ask her name in return. I felt as if I had lost something valuable as the cart drove away.

I most likely would not see her again. It was time for me to report back to Rillian. I had to earn my money so that I could give it to Miss Megurine in the next few days.

An image of the teal haired girl followed me for the rest of the day.

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