Chapter 26:

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Len's POV:

That night, I agreed to go home with the captain. I wanted to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't hurt Rillian. 

We were seated for another awkward dinner. My uncomfortableness greatly increased since the last time. Not even halfway through the meal did Leonheart start coughing. He didn't stop and Germaine jumped up. 

"Papa! Are you okay!?" She cried.

"I...I think I'll go lay down." The captain sputtered.

Germaine had me help her bring him to his bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow his breath slowed.

He looked up at Germain and smiled weakly. "Germain...I do believe this is the end..."

Germaine began to cry. "What? Papa what are you saying?"

Then he looked at me. "Take care of her son...she acts tough...but she needs someone to care for her..." He choked a little and Germaine let out a sob.

"All those years we knew..." He paused to cough. "We knew each other. I adopted be able to help you...and not once...did you call me father." His coughing was going away but his breath was becoming more shallow. "Now I say...Farewell Len. Take care of Germaine."

"Farewell brave Leonheart." I whispered as he clasped me and Germaine's hands.

That night the captain gave his last breath in the presence of his daughter and I.

All the wishes I had ever asked for were something that wouldn't be able to be officially granted until the end. Rillian having a happy life for example. Today I had found out that the wishes really will come true. That gave me hope.

Germaine's sobbed loudly in her room. I felt guilty although I would have done it over again. Life is the most precious gift that can be given. Who am I to take it away? And yet I did it, I did it for my sister.

Kaito's POV:

Princess Rillian had been vague about when the beautiful peasant was to come to the castle. I didn't know if it would take a day or a week, but I came every day in hopes I could gaze upon her. Rillian must think I'm coming to see her. Let her think that. I don't care what she thinks about.

My father told me that all humans crave control. He said to avoid trying to control Rillian and my kingdom. Rillian tried to control her kingdom and it was falling apart. Surely wishing to control one's own future couldn't have such an effect! I wish my father had never arranged the marriage, however once he dies I will no longer have to obey his commands. That is why I have waited so long with Rillian. So that if I did decide to marry her, I would at least get to decide for myself. It seems my father is going to live forever. day when Rillian and I were on the balcony the small wagon pulled up in the courtyard. At that moment the princess arose and stretched out her hand to me. "Come, Let us go inside." She smiled.

I shook my head. "I would much rather stay out in the fresh air." I replied.

Rillian's face darkened and she sat down again.

The servants and the farmer went into the castle and the girl stepped out of the wagon. The stupid servant boy strutted over to her. How I hate him! He walks with such a princely air, as if he wasn't worthless filth.

The blonde boy bowed and took the girl by her arm. They walked around the courtyard and examined all of the stupid little flowers, giving off apparent delight in them. You could tell they were poor just by looking at which flowers they enjoyed the most. The two scorned past the roses and thrilled in things such as babies breath and lilies of the valley. Things that could already be found growing almost everywhere. The girl would need to get used to roses when I'm around her.

Rillian's POV:

I knew it! I KNEW IT! It isn't fair! How come this farm girl is attracting the only two people I care about!? Well she can't have Kaito. Prince Kaito is going to marry me, his father arranged the marriage after all. As soon as he left for his country I would write a proposal since he seemed to nervous to do so...or he had fallen for that stupid girl.

This would be my final test. Kaito is a kind person, he wouldn't have the heart to turn me down...would he?

And if he said no? What would I do then? I can't kill the girl...Len loves her and he's lost everyone else besides me. But if Kaito loves her then Len has no chance. I am so confused...and heartbroken and...Is it because I'm not beautiful? I have to know.

I left Kaito and marched into the castle, he wouldn't notice anyway with the infatuated way he was staring at the stupid peasant. 

"Go and bring a mirror into my room." I commanded a servant.

"B...but...." He stammered., knowing that the high priest had forbidden them.

"Go NOW! Unless you want to bring me your head on a platter instead!" I screamed.

The servant ran off faster than a frightened deer.

I walked slowly to my room so that the mirror would get there before me. "Leave." I commanded the servant that had set up the mirror.

Accordingly he left and I went to the mirror. I wasn't a bit ugly I decided. Of course I wasn't as beautiful as the girl. Why was that? I had prettier clothing and my hair was done along with makeup. 

Something in the mirror flashed and I felt an all too familiar feeling creeping up my spine. The mirror stood and now I saw a terribly ugly and terrifying reflection in it.

The reflection of a demon.

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