Chapter 24:

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Rillian's POV:

On Monday both Len and Kaito came back as usual. I had been informed that the stupid farmer was behind and that he would be coming on Thursday instead. Len seemed disappointed, but I pretended I didn't notice. Then he might learn that Kaito and I had seen them and I wanted Len to have a good opinion of me.


Why did I want him to think highly of me when I didn't care an ounce for him? He was only a servant after all.

Kaito insisted that we speak on the balcony again. He said it seemed a special place to him. Of course I complied. I would do anything for Prince Kaito, love of my life.

"Leave us." I commanded Len.

Len nodded and left silently.

I began talking with Kaito about the subjects; how they were ungrateful and annoying. Well, I should say that I was talking TO Kaito. He wasn't answering me at all.

"Why..." I grumbled. "Are you ignoring me?"

"Mhm...yes of course dear." He mumbled absentmindedly.

"KAITO!" I yelled.

"Huh? What?" He looked up and blinked at me.

"Why. Are. You. Ignoring. Me?" I paused after each word so he would be sure to hear me.

"But I'm not dearest." He cried.

Then the bell struck three. "Oh look!" I smiled. Finally something good had happened today. "It's snack time!"

I dragged Kaito into the dining hall, where we each took a seat. He looked down at what was brought and took a bite.

I was stuffing my face with all the delicious snacks, trying to get as much as I could before Kaito ate it all.

Kaito turned to me. "These fruits aren't fresh. Was not the farmer supposed to come today dearest?"

"He was, but he decided to come later this week." I replied taking another giant bite.

"When?" My prince asked me. Why was he so interested in the farmer? I started to get suspicious. He never cared whether the fruits were fresh or not before. And these had just come from the castle's garden so of course they were fresh!

An idea presented itself to me as to why he was so interested. It wasn't in the fruits, or the farmer. He was interested in that girl wasn't he!? I could see the plan now. The farmer had snuck the girl in with him the first time so that she would meet Len and so they could take away my most faithful servant. Then out of my own poor scheduling, they would make sure that Kaito would fall for her so they could become nobles and no longer have to farm to live.

I wanted to have them executed on the spot, but I decided to wait. I needed proof first. I knew that Len loved her and he would be an undesirable obstacle. I would have to work around this.

I hate that girl! I hate that green haired girl more than I hated any of the other peasants in my entire kingdom.

I smiled at Kaito and opened my mouth to reply when the door was swung open. "Your highness, very sorry to interrupt but the man who had refused to pay his taxes is here."

I stood, my eyes flashed. I hate these peasants.  I stormed into the throne room and had scarcely given them a chance to speak before I announced: "He will be executed."

The man stood defiantly, his chin raised. Which only made me all the more angry.

"Take him away." I waved my hand as Kaito entered the room. He usually pacifies me but today he was so faraway that he hadn't even noticed what was going on. He had a smile on his face that I didn't like. I wondered if he didn't like me because I wasn't pretty enough. I used to be quite comely. However, the high priest had gotten rid of all the mirrors in the castle after I had been possessed a few years ago. It was the demon of pride and it had come through the mirror, hence why I no longer had any. So I no longer know If I'm still beautiful. I imagine I am of course, for mother was very pretty and father quite handsome.

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