Chapter 43:

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Rin's POV:

My eyes slowly opened. I feel like I must have been asleep for thousands of years.

Where was I? There were men running around in strange white coats. I looked down and saw I was wearing an even stranger outfit.

"Kagamine Rin is a go. Levels are steady." I heard someone say.

Then a man approached me. He bent down a little. "Hello there. Do you know your own name?"

Of course I knew my own name. But I wouldn't tell him that. I'll only tell him me nickname. "R...Rin." I stammered. My voice was groggy. WHERE was I? I thought it was all over. Had the convent found a specialist to help me recover from my disease? But I hadn't told them about it...I had wanted to die because...

"Excellent!" The man smiled. "I'd like to introduce you to someone, I think you may recognize them." He motioned for someone to come out from a curtain that separated the room.

It was a boy. He crossed over to the man, turned, and smiled at me.

I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible.

It was Len.

A single tear dripped down my cheek.

"His name is..." The man started.

"LEN! LEN LEN LEN!" I screamed. I flung myself at him and sobbed.

He hugged me back. "It's okay Rin."

"I am soooo sorry...I....I...its all my fault!" I wailed/

"It's okay Rin." Len said again. "I forgive you."

I stopped wailing. "Thank you God." I whispered. Even if this was heaven, which I don't think it is...I'm with Len again.

"Please follow me." Said the man. "I can bring you to your rooms."

I let go of Len and we followed the man. I don't think I've ever been more happy. Now I can make it all up to him!

Len's POV:

I had peeked through the curtain when they told me not too. I was ecstatic to see they were going to bring Rin back to life too.

Before Rin came back, I fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream the beast I had seen when I was little appeared to me.

"You see I keep my promises." It said. "Although unable to let you live happy lives back then, it is agreed that you should have a second chance. All of the unnatural greed and pride has left your sister. All those dreams we had given you in your past life, were to warn you what was to come. However, you did what we had not expected you to do. You will find this time very different from your own...and you no longer carry the secret of the sea...farewell young prince."

I woke up just in time to here the men saying Rin was awake.

Then I was being led to my room. I heard singing coming from one of the rooms. The song seemed so familiar. I had heard this very voice singing to me while I was dead. I fell behind the man, who didn't seem to notice. The singing was coming from and open door.

I looked inside and froze. There was a girl...she was singing and dancing. She had pale skin, blue eyes...

And Teal hair put up in twin tails.

She spun around as she was singing, but stopped when she saw me. the music went on but her voice and dance had been paused.

"Miss Hatsune..." Someone said and paused the music.

"LEN!" She cried. She flung down some sort of stick that was in her hand and ran to me. I pulled her into a hug.

"Oh Len!" She mumbled. "You...your back."

"I'm sorry Miku." I whispered hoarsely. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

I could feel Miku smiling. "Nobody could have stopped it Len. Now we're both here, and that's all that matters." 

A man coughed exaggeratedly. Miku let go of me and glared at him. Then she took a long look at me. She put her hand in my hair and laughed. "What on earth did they do to your hair?"

"I tried to look up but uh, kind of hard to see something on top of your head."

Miku took me down the hallway and brought me into a teal room. It was probably hers. She placed me in front of a mirror.

"Oh my..." I looked at my reflection. "I look like an idiot." I also noted the clothes I was wearing.

"Aw I think you look very handsome." Miku laughed.

Rin came into the room, blushing and looking down at her feet. "M...miss...I am really sorry....I can make it up to you and..."

Miku pulled Rin into a hug. "It's okay Rillian. I forgive you. Will you please call me Miku?"

"Sure. As long as you call me Rin. I never want to hear the name "Rillian" again." Rin smiled over Miku's shoulder. I could see her eyes were wet and shining from the intense happiness she was feeling.

My wishes really had come true. Every single one of them. Rin was happy, Miku was here and loved me, and Rin and I got a second chance.

A man came in. "Rin and Len!" He cried. "I have been looking for you EVERYWHERE!"

"Hey." I said. "get me a bottle, a piece of paper, something to write with, and bring me to the ocean."

The man nodded confusedly but ran off to get all my stuff.

The sun and moon were setting. It was the time of twilight that used to be Rin and I's sacred time.

Rin and I walked down to the waves with the bottle in hand. We placed it in the water and watched it float along. Miku was there watching us, with a smile on her face as usual.

"Come on you two!" She called. "There are some new foods here you HAVE to try! I peg you as a banana person Len." She smiled.

"What's a banana?" I asked.

"You'll see." She gestured for us to follow. We walked with her to what the man called a "car", got inside, and drove away. Leaving our thank you note to float along alone.

Everything was how it should be.

The End.

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