Chapter 11:

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Rin's POV:

All the week Len had seemed slightly different. He had something in his eyes I didn't like. When the weekend came he left as usual to spend his time at the orphanage. I don't know why he would want to spend any time there at all.

He had finally returned and I felt that things were going to be right again. The look in his eyes was much stronger but I still couldn't place where I had seen it before.

"You are now chamberlain." I said to him when he first came in my room.

"Your highness...thank you so much. You didn't need to do that however I'm..."

"Going to accept it or else I'll have your head." I threatened. 

He smiled and nodded. 

"The captain of the guard also wishes to speak with you." I announced.

"Yes your majesty." He bowed and went off quickly.

He was gone for longer than I expected and that aggravated me. Lucky for him he brought in my snack with him just on time. He looked confused.

"What?" I asked. "If he yelled at you I'll have him punished." I said.

"Oh no your highness!" Len cried. "He...he wants to...adopt me?"

"Aren't you happy? Now you'll have a family." I pointed out. He really is the strangest servant.

"I don't know." He replied. "He has been very kind to me while I've worked here but..."

He let the sentence hang unfinished.

A servant came into the room. "Forgive me your majesty, but there is a man here complaining about...taxes."

I sighed. How could father and mother ever have put up with this? I have no patience with those who come here to complain. I deal with them swiftly and severely and they never come crawling back again.

I stormed off into the throne room to deal with the peasant. Len followed behind me. At least I had my visit with Prince Kaito soon.

I finally remembered where I had seen his look was the look I had seen many times in the mirror when I had first met Prince Kaito. Does that mean that Len has fallen for some girl?

Why was I worried about some servant's life?

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