Chapter 8:

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Miku's POV:

I was walking through the forest by myself. It was dark and I was scared. Then I heard a voice behind me.

"Miku! Miku you're safe now!" Len called

I turned and ran to him, I wondered how he knew my full name. But just as I got to where I thought he had been standing another Len appeared behind me.

"No! Watch out!" The second Len yelled.

I turned again and saw that the first Len was directly in front of me. And then he kissed me.

I felt a terrible pain shoot through my back. I fell backwards and looked up at Len. He smiled down at me and twirled a knife in his fingers.

The other Len broke down. He grabbed my hand and began to cry. I wanted to comfort him somehow but I couldn't move or talk anymore. Then I saw a dark figure rise behind him. I wanted to tell him to watch out but I still couldn't speak. I watched as the dark thing split into hundreds and thousands of dark things. They all surrounded Len. Then he smiled at me and was gone.

I woke up from my dream with a start. I tried to remember all the details but soon the dream dissolved entirely from my mind. All I knew was there was an aching pain that was slowly fading from my back.

Today was Sunday, which meant it was my library day. I wondered if I should skip the library so I could see Len but I had books I needed to return.

I walked along the dirt road until I came into town. A bunch of people were running about busily, shouting at each other.

A boy tripped me, smirked, and ran off laughing to his friends. I hate boys. Well, except Luki, Oliver and Fukase. And Len.

I have learned in this town that when one of the street boys does something to you, you can't look angry or upset about it. Otherwise they'll do it again. 

I picked up the library books and smiled to myself. As I did I heard the boy's laughter die away. I made sure to look right at him and I smiled my brightest.

He looked completely shocked.

I continued on my way.

"Hello Miss Miku." The librarian greeted me.

"Hello Miss Kasane. I brought back the books." I announced, placing them on her desk. She smiled at me and handed me a book she said I might like.

I took the book and brought it over to my favorite nook. Who should be sitting there but Len?

He looked up from his book and smiled at me. "Coincidence seeing you here. Unless you're following me around."

"I am not following you." I laughed. "Sunday is my library day."

"Sunday's my library day starting today." He said. "What are you reading?"

"I don't know. Miss Kasane gave it to me." I replied. "What are you reading?"

"Some story about a prince who was abandoned. It isn't very realistic though." Len's eyes twinkled with some sort of private joke.

I sat down in one of the big cushy chairs and flipped open the book. Within ten minutes I was fully absorbed into the protagonist's life. He was taken to a strange island by a fairy where he met all sorts of magical creatures. I was on the fourth chapter when Len said: "Enjoying your book?"

"Yes. It is very interesting."

"Mine isn't. Will you read to me? I can't actually read very well, being brought up in an orphanage and all."

"All right!" I was eager to be able to do something for Len, I felt so sorry for him. My hands quickly flipped back to the beginning of the book. "Chapter one..."


A few hours later I closed the book. It wasn't as good as I expected it to be, but it was still an interesting book. It of course had to be a love story and I didn't feel exactly comfortable reading it aloud, especially to a boy.

"Thank you Miku." Len sighed happily.

"Your welcome. I'm going to get another book and bring it home, but I'll be back in time to play with the group." I beamed.


I walked out of the library and back the way I came. I hadn't walked twenty paces before a hand shot out in between two buildings and pulled me over.

"Stupid girl." I heard a young voice say. "Thought ya could mock me and git away with it?"

What was he talking about? I didn't mock anyone! 

Wait. Was he the boy that tripped me earlier? Was he mad that I hadn't gotten upset!?

"D'ya hear me!?" The boy shouted but quietly. That's the only way I can explain it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you." I mumbled. "I won't smile at you ever again." I started to walk away.

"Oh no ya don't. Ya ain't going nowhere 'till I've taught ya a lesson." The boy growled. He slapped me. He raised his hand to do it again and I covered my face.

"HEY!" I heard a voice yell.

Then I heard a grunting noise and I peeped through my fingers.

Len had the boy pinned to the ground.

"Have you had enough?" I heard him say. His tone of voice was so threatening, almost the exact opposite of the tone he usually used.

"Y...yeah. Lemme go, I swear I won't do it again." The boy whined.

"Then go." Len commanded, standing up and releasing the boy, who ran off as quick as he could.

"Are you alright Miku?" Len suddenly turned to me.

"How did you know I was back here?" I asked quietly.

"Never mind that. Did he hurt you? I can't see well enough to tell, it's too dark back here." Len grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the open. "He hit you!" He exclaimed.

"I'm alright really." I said.

Len's face got really dark. "You better let me walk you home. I don't trust that he won't come back."

"O...okay." I heard my voice crack. Len was scaring me.

His face softened a little. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just can't let anyone I care about get hurt. It hurts me far more than you could ever know." Len took my book and walked me home.

I felt stupid. My heart was fluttering around inside of me like a butterfly; I could feel that my cheeks were pink.

'He said he cares about me!' My heart cried.

'Idiot. He's your friend of course he cares about you.' My mind scolded.

Just as I would begin to quiet my thoughts, Len would squeeze my hand, or look at me with an expression in his eyes that held deep sorrow mixed with something that I didn't know what it was. Then the thoughts would start up all over again. 

'Be quiet, be quiet, BE QUIET!'  I yelled at myself.

I tripped over air. Len caught me and then we continued on.

'You. Did. That. On. Purpose.' I raged at my myself. I kept my eyes down at my slippers and fumed silently.

"Miku are you okay?" Len asked me a few minutes later.

"Um...yes I'm fine. I'm just embarrassed that I tripped." I laughed a little.

"You don't need to be embarrassed about it. Nobody saw." He comforted.

Except YOU!

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