Chapter 23:

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Miku's POV:

Len walked me home. I didn't know if the festival was still going on and I didn't care. If I went back there it would murder the beautiful magic of the night.

I stopped on the steps and looked down at Len, who was smiling at me. 

"Good night Len." I whispered.

"Good night." He took my hand and kissed it.

I waved and then went inside. What a wonderful night it had been. I didn't want to have it end.

My father came over to where I was leaning against the door. He peeked out the window and turned back to me.

"How was the festival?" He asked. "I assume it was fun judging by your eyes and smile."

"It was nice while I was there." I said. I wasn't even going to tell father. 

"Good. Your beau is off then? Shame he couldn't stay for something to eat. Ah well. It's time you went to bed, it's past midnight." My father's eyes twinkled.

"Goodnight papa!" I cried hugging him.

Upstairs I changed into my nightgown, a bit slowly and regretfully. I wondered if I would ever wear the dress again. My romantic side said "no." But the other part of me said: "Of course! It's such a beautiful dress. And Len got it for you!"

I climbed into my small bed and fell asleep watching the stars dance and laugh.

Ilsie's POV:

Len dragged Miku away from the party. I wanted to follow them so I could see why, but Luki wouldn't leave me alone. Out of respect for Miku, I decided to stay and let Luki have one night where I didn't give him death looks.

Neru was storming around. As much as I hated Len, I will admit that he is loyal. He is the first boy Neru tried to get and failed at the task. Even the wonderful, faithful, patient, almighty Len lost his patience with her.

Of course if he had acted differently and went along with Neru, I could have showed Miku and then have her back all to myself.

However then she would be heartbroken and I would hate Len even more for hurting her. Why did emotions have to be so confusing?

Gumi's POV:

As promised, I spilled punch on Oliver. Although it was actually an accident. Neru was walking by and mutter something about a blonde idiot.

"Hiya Neru!" I called. "Where's Len? I thought you were stalking him?"

Neru shoved me as she stormed past. I stumbled back, tripped on the darn hem of my stupid dress, and smashed into the table. THAT was when the punch just flew through the air and splashed all over poor Oliver.

"!" I cried. I had been joking before when I implied I was going to spill something on him and now I was embarrassed. I NEVER fall, and now I had to fall right in front of the boy who was sure to tease me the most about it!?

Oliver glowered. "Stupid Neru." He muttered.


"Are you okay?"

"Um...yeah I think so?" I was confused. Why wasn't he laughing?

Then I looked around and saw the mess I had made. The food on the table had been mostly upset and all of the alcohol had fallen off and broken. I became aware of people staring at me. For some reason, it suddenly struck me as comical. I started to laugh so hard that I snorted and had to hold my sides.

The adults turned away and a few of the men grumbled about their precious lost beverages.

Oliver smiled and chuckled a little. But not AT me he was laughing  WITH me.

The rest of the night we played pranks on the town boys.

Emi's POV:

Fukase had gone to get a snack for us both. I was standing near the entrance where I had been almost the whole time.

Then I saw her. Neru was coming. I was surrounded by people and so I didn't have anywhere to hide and just prayed that she would leave me alone.

"I hate you and your idiot friend!" She yelled and pushed me before leaving the festival.

I crashed back into someone and fell down.

The man turned around and looked down at me. He was wearing a masquerade mask. He smiled slightly and helped me up.

"I...I...beg y...your pardon." I stuttered. 

"It's quite all right." He replied. He was also wearing a hat that covered his head. Someone bumped into him and a strand of blue hair fell down. He quickly pushed it back up, nodded at me, and left.

That was strange.

Kaito's POV:

Curse whoever bumped into me. I can't have HER knowing I'm here and you never know where she has spies. I came to see if the green haired girl would be here. She had been for a while, and I watched as she comforted the girl who had just fallen against me. Then she ran off and I watched as the servant boy brought her into the woods. I started to follow when the girl had bumped into me and when I turned around they were nowhere to be seen.

Ah well. At least I will be able to see her when she comes to the castle again. I was fascinated by her beautiful blue and green hair. Of course there were many with green hair in Elphegort, however none had such a pretty hue as hers. She walked very gracefully for a peasant. She would make a lovely bride. But then...there was Princess Rillian, whom my father was forcing me to marry.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste. How could I love Rillian after seeing such a beautiful girl as that? Perhaps I could make the girl into a concubine. Then I could have them both and prevent Rillian's anger. It is far too hard being prince. People always have their own opinions and I have to bow my head and respect that. I was looking forward to tomorrow. The girl was sure to be at the castle.

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