Chapter 6:

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Len's POV:

We walked for half an hour before Gumi started crying that she needed a break.

"How much FARTHER!?" She cried as she plopped down under a tree.

"Only about fifteen more minutes." I replied.

Gumi groaned.

Emi stood. "Let's just keep going. When we get there we can rest for a while."

"Oh all right fine." Gumi sighed.

"I'm so excited! I hope it will be a pretty lake with wildflowers growing frenziedly about it." Miku clasped her hands together and an un-earthly happiness filled her eyes.


"Oh!" Miku smiled as we entered the vast clearing. "Oh it's better than I imagined!"

Gumi took Emi by the hand and ran over to the lake with her. "Hey Oliver, Fukase, come on!" She yelled.

The boys dashed over to the lake as well. They all plunged in and splashed about.

Miku sat on the sand gazing over the horizon, braiding together flower crowns with Ilsie.

I sat down underneath a tree and kept the picture in my mind. Any artist would have loved to paint such a picture as the one my new friends were living.

Emi came over and sat down by me in the shade. The bottom of her dress was sopping wet but that didn't take away the small shy smile.

"Aren't you going to come and play too?" She asked.

"I'd rather just sit and watch." I answered.

Emi looked at me a minute. She seemed to be trying to decide whether to insist or not.

"I enjoy watching more than I like partaking in the fun." I explained.

"I know. I can tell. Your eye's say it for you." She smiled and then went over to Miku and Ilsie to join in braiding the flower crowns.

"Hey girls! I dare you to beat each of us boys in a race climbing up the trees!" Oliver yelled.

"You're on!" Gumi cried running over from the lake.

" thanks...I'm not very good at climbing trees." Emi smiled shyly.

"All right. First up Is Oliver and Gumi." Luki announced. "ANNNNNNND......GO!"

Gumi crawled up the tree like a spider, while Oliver climbed at a pretty fast rate...for a human being.

Gumi made it to the fifth branch and then she sat down. "Okay I obviously win." Then she jumped down and stuck her tongue at Oliver.

Oliver came down somewhat sheepishly.

"Emi are you sure you aren't going to go?" Gumi asked.

"I'm sure." Emi replied.

"Alright then next is Luki and Ilsie." Oliver smirked.

Luki paled. He was conflicted as to whether he should climb the tree and try to beat Ilsie or if he should let her win.

He was so flustered about it that Ilsie ended up winning anyway.

"Fukase and Miku!" Luki cried.

"Not today. I fell out of a tree last week and my father said I was grounded...literally." Fukase sighed.

"Okay then Len and Miku." Gumi cheered. "GOOOO MIKU! And ya know...yay Len."

I was going to refuse. I still would rather just watch but Miku looked excited so I decided not to ruin her fun.

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