Chapter 18:

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Len's POV

I wanted to stay quiet but I couldn't. It hurt me to have Miku talk about how she hated the prince because of Gumi's story, and several others she had heard while around the woman she was working for.

They listened eagerly to my story. Emi became frightened when I mentioned how the princess had been possessed by the demon of greed. Ilsie scoffed at the idea.

I told the story that my soul had been wanting someone to confide to. It wasn't as satisfying as It could be, because I knew I must not give off any information that would even remotely connect me to the prince.

"That's all fine and dandy but when does he go missing?" Oliver complained just as I was getting to where the king returned home.

"Shut up idiot." Gumi warned.

"The little prince was confused and hurt as to why his father chose to get rid of him. He was too young to understand it was for the good of the kingdom. No one knows where he is except for himself and the woman that took him in. There he stayed as far as I know." I concluded and sat down among my friends.

"It must have been terrible." Emi whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"He must have been so sad when his father and mother died. He couldn't see them or say goodbye." She continued.

"Gumi made him sound so stupid but in this story he sounds like a wonderful person." Fukase laughed.

"Miku what's wrong?" I asked. She was hanging her head and had her hands folded.

"I am asking that wherever he is, the prince will forgive me." She whispered.

"I'm sure he has." I said softly.

"Where did you learn this story?" Ilsie inquired suspiciously. "I've never heard anything even distantly like it in town. Did the princess tell you?" She laughed harshly.

"No. I learned it from some of the older servants at the castle." I lied to protect myself. "The princess believes her brother to be dead."

"Alright lovely story!" Gumi cried quickly so as to conceal her wet eyes. "Oliver you need to bring me to your house so I can get back those books you stole from me."

Oliver sighed and led Gumi away.

"Ilsie, your mother said you would be staying at my house for dinner right?" Emi asked.

"Yes." Ilsie glanced at Miku and then at me. Fukase and Luki went with them too.

Again Miku and I were left alone.

She blushed. "L...Len?"

"Yes?" I smiled encouragingly.

"I have something to tell you." She mumbled and began fiddling with her hair.

Worry shot through me but I shrugged it off. If it were something bad she would be acting different. "Alright. I'd love to hear it." I replied

"I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day at the castle. I have been trying to weigh my feelings and thoughts. But somehow after you mentioned all made perfect sense." She looked down at her slippers.

I tried to quiet the hopes and expectations that were now rising through me.

"I was so afraid to tell you this because I don't...I'm not completely sure that is... You said you liked me and I know you would protect me but...but..." She looked up into my eyes. "Oh Len I do love you! Do you really love me too?"

Her words were filled with beautiful child-like frankness and trust. By the way she spoke you could tell she didn't feel the need to guard her words. Everything else in this world disappeared. All that was left was Miku and I.

"Miku I love you very much. Would you like to go to the festival with me?" I asked.

She nodded and clapped her hands delightedly. "I'm so happy!" She laughed.

"Me too." I took her hand and we walked out of the forest together.


"Does this mean..." I asked slyly. "That I am officially courting you?"

"I suppose so." Miku smiled with a smile too pure and beautiful for this world.

"Then I suppose I should get you something special." I pulled out some of my golden coins and rolled them across my fingers.

"Oh really don't have to. I don't need..." 

"Come on!" I cried and pulled Miku along the streets.

Miku's POV:

We came to a small dress shop, where Len stopped and then dragged me inside.

"Pick something for the festival." He smiled. His eyes twinkled with joy. "And if you don't then I will and it will be the most expensive dress they have."

His threat worked well. I set out to find a cheap dress. I found a pretty white one with blue ribbons. It was very cheap but it was also the prettiest and longest dress I had ever gotten. It came down to my ankles!

Len proudly handed the money over to the woman selling the dress. He folded it and held it carefully and continued to smile at me.

We exited the shop and Len began to walk me home.

"Len." A girl cried running up to him.

"Hello Germaine. Is something wrong?" Len asked the girl.

"Father wanted me to check if you were coming home for dinner. He said it's all right if you spend your time with a friend but he would love for you to come home." Germaine explained.

"Tell him I will come." Len's smile was plastered onto his face but his eyes were sighing for him.

Germaine ran off.

"Len you were adopted?" I inquired.

"Yes..." He started.

"Oh that's wonderful! Len you have a family again!" 

Len took my hand and walked me home. He seemed troubled about something.

"Aren't you glad?" I asked.

"I...I don't know." He stammered. "I just don't think I'm ready to have someone fill the place of my father yet."

"I understand."

We reached the gate to my house.

"I believe I should ask your father before it's really official." He smiled nervously.

"Don't worry. Papa likes you very much." I encouraged.

I brought Len inside to wait for my father to come from the fields. Len looked as if he were about to face trial.

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