Chapter 42:

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Rin's POV:

It has been over four years since...that day. I walked down to the beach, clutching an important parcel. The sun and moon met on opposite sides of the horizon, creating the twilight Len and I used to love so much. "You be the day...and I'll be the night." He had said. I had readily agreed. The day was brighter than the night. Now I realized what he really meant. Night...knight.


"Father forgive me, I have sinned gravely." I whispered in the confessional. The priest waited for me to begin confessing...I choked. "Father I have killed so many innocents. for my whole life my brother stood up for me and done my work for me. He sacrificed himself to save me Father...after all I had done. As soon as he was gone Father, the demons left me...they left me with the guilt, they weren't even kind enough to take me too. Father...I was the queen...I was Princess Rillian..."

I heard the priest's breath. It was strangely calming, even as I sobbed out my confession. "You are truly sorry for your sins?" Was all he asked.

"Yes Father...I know they cannot be forgiven but..."

"In the name of the Father I absolve you of your sins. As your act of penance, for the rest of your life you should try your best to sacrifice for others as your brother sacrificed for you." The priest said.

I left the confessional in a daze. Ilsie and I were entering a convent, but I had expected to be turned away. To be abandoned for my sins. How could anyone forgive me?"

End Flashback.

E...everything was my fault...I wanted to let go...but I couldn't...

All the...the moments ran through my mind. Of when we were little. All the things he had done for me even then. As I walked ankle deep into the water, everything came back to me. Even though the priest had said I was forgiven...I would never feel forgiven. Len wasn't here to forgive me. The moment of the execution went came back to me...Len mouthing for me to smile, and then the sickening swish...the cheers of the crowd...

I bent down and placed my parcel into the waves. The sun gleamed against it as it floated away.

"F...float along little wish..." I mumbled. The bottle with my wish floated along...the bottle with my regret message. The tears yet again started to fall. All of the tears I had been trying so desperately to hold back. I couldn't hold them back any longer...all in that one moment I broke. This was where Len used to wish my happiness...and now look what had happened. He wished my happiness and look what I had done to him.

I fell onto my hands and knees. "I'm sorry!" I cried out. "I'm sorry for not sharing my bread and cloak...Len I'm sorry for making you do all my work...I'm sorry for the times I yelled at you when I wanted my way. I'm sorry for pushing you off the carriage when mother complimented you...I...I'm sorry you had to live at an orphanage when I could have looked for you. I'm sorry I never looked for you!" I could barely hear my own words, so loud were my sobs. "I'm sorry! I'M...SORRY...I...KILLED...HER!" I finally gasped. "I'M SORRY!!!" I was shaking, or the world was shaking...I don't know which. "Please..." I whispered... "Please God...if we could be reborn...I need a second chance. would be twins...again..."

I felt a breeze brush past me. 

"Yes it would." I heard a voice say. I looked up and for a fleeting moment...I thought I saw Len. He smiled down at me before disappearing again.

I stopped shaking...and stood. Little sacrifices. I will try to make little sacrifices everyday for Len.

I heard a swish. Something dropped at my feet. I looked down and saw hair...MY hair. I spun around and saw Ilsie standing there with a knife. She smiled at me.

"You didn't come back in time to get your haircut. I'm sorry if I frightened you, but Reverend mother wouldn't have been happy if you came in front of her with long hair."

The next morning, I woke up and changed into my new clothing. We were then brought before the reverend mother.

"Young Rin" Mother reverend took my hands. "As you wished, you will now be called Lenna. Sister Lenna."

I stood. "Thank you Reverend mother." I will sacrifice for Len. I will stop complaining and being greedy. Please God, just give me a second chance...

Ilsie's POV:

I heard it all. Rin was Princess Rillian. She had killed Miku, my best friend. It was her fault that Len and Miku were dead. I was so angry. All at once all my hatred filled me once again and I stepped forward, knife in hand. Now Rin would know the pain she had caused Miku.

And then...HE appeared. Len appeared right beside her. He smiled at her, then at me, and disappeared. I was almost directly behind Rin, she was just starting to turn around. She would see me with the knife no matter what. In my nervousness, I cut off her hair.

She whirled around to face me. I quickly explained that she had missed getting her hair cut. Thankfully that was true. The next morning we both became sisters. Rin had her name changed to Lenna, and the name given to me was Clarith. It was hard to pretend I didn't know...but I did. Rin and I lived happily at the convent. She was always giving and sacrificing for others, even when it hurt her to do so.

She lived happily for the four next years of her life. And then she died. Peacefully, in her sleep. I felt like all my friends were being taken from me. Just as I was starting to actually like Rin.

I made sure that Father buried her next to Len and Miku. That's what they would have wanted after all. I wonder how the rest of the group was doing, I hope better than I was...

A/N: We made it past the Regret Message section of the story! I swear I didn't cry while I was writing this...I just got really depressed cause of course I had to write it WHILE listening to the song...

I swear I didn't cry though...


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