Chapter 36:

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Len's POV:

Mrs. Megurine sent me out of the orphanage. She said I needed to go and play with my new friends that Emi had told her about. (Little Emi that is)

I couldn't of course. I would keep living just as I promised Miku, but I didn't dare show my face to her friends ever again. Especially Ilsie. But I didn't know where to go. I couldn't go to the lake, the grass was probably still stained with her blood...and I was too afraid to enter the library as well.

Why were there so many people on the street? They were all talking in hushed angry voices. I saw Germaine amid them all and almost called out to her, but something in her expression made me choke my words down. Behind her were four stately men all who looked as if you wouldn't want to cross them. She led them for a while until she reached her house. The house where I had killed the Captain. A wave of guilt passed over me. I had murdered someone just as that boy murdered Miku. If it had caused Germain half as much grief as I had now...

I felt like hanging myself.

I followed them discreetly. Some voice in my head told me to. I would never invade on Germaine's privacy, she was like a big sister to me...but I didn't like the way she was looking. There was a fire in her eyes I had only seen when someone had tried to kill her father, the look she gave them right before thrusting her own sword through their chest.

"We can speak in private here." Germaine announced to the men and waved out the servants. I stayed right outside the window, which had been left partially open due to the heat. I was very glad in that moment that I had taught myself to move quietly in my early years at the orphanage.

"What you are' will..." The first man stammered.

"It will save the country. And not only Lucifenia...But Elphegort and Marlon as well."

"Yes, however you are giving us no time to prepare!" The second man cried.

"You have until sundown to get everyone rallied." Germaine replied cooly. "That should be plenty of time. The castle guard isn't as strong as it once was, thanks to her majesty having almost all the guards either sent to Elphegort or hung."

I listened in dead silence. They were going to storm the castle!?

"...we'll take the princess and hand her over to the authorities. They'll decide what to do with her."

"They already know what they want to do with her." The third man spat. "And she fully deserves it in my opinion."

"At three tomorrow afternoon the only thing left of the princess will be the pain she caused everyone." The fourth man bowed his head.

I shot up and ran. The sun had only just began to set...I prayed I could reach the castle before the mob.

I ran into a few people who shouted angry retorts. I could see what they were doing now. They were rallying. Would any of the guards even try to stop this? Rillian was as cruel with them as she was with everyone else. Nevertheless I had to save her. She was my sister and all I had left. I darted through the crowd and spotted a horse. I jumped on and galloped towards the castle as fast as I could, ignoring the angry yell of the horse's owner.

Gotta get there fast.

The sky was growing dark when I finally reached the castle. The mob would already be well on there way here.

"Oi! Len what on..." One of the guards yelled as I leapt off the still frenzied horse and bolted inside the castle. I had no time to make my way through the maze of hallways. I took a sharp left and clicked open one of the pillars. I took a few turns and opened another pillar into the royal dressing room. I grabbed a few articles of clothing and hurried them on. Then I bolted back through the pillar and hurried my way towards Rillian's room.

She wasn't there.

I ran back through and burst into the dining room. 

Nobody but a few servants. They started back in surprise "Y..your majes..."

I turned back in before they could finish. Please be in the throne room! I don't know where else you could be!

I made it to the throne room and gasped for air. There kneeling in front of the throne with her head in her arms...was Rillian.

She lifted her head when she saw me. "Len! What on earth are you doing in MY clothes." She demanded.

"Put these on." I shoved my town's clothes into her arms.

"I will NOT!" Rillian threw them on the floor. "What are you doing?" She cried when I ran over to the main doors and barred them shut. 

"The people." I gasped. "They're coming."

"Well just send out the guards and stop their little revolt." Rillian replied carelessly. 

"Rin..." I spun on my heels. "This isn't a revolt. This is a revolution."

Her eyes widened. "Wha...what?" Then they widened even more. "What did you call me?"

"'s me. I am Prince Allen of're brother and twin. Please Rin...just put on the clothes and get out of here we don't have much time."

"L...LEN!?" She screeched. "B...but why did you never tell me...why did you just let yourself become my servant!?"

"Because I love you Rin. All I wanted to do was be able to be with you and to serve you. Now PLEASE." I begged. "Please I need you to go NOW." I could see lights coming through the forest and the shining of weapons. 

"But't you coming too?" She asked.

I looked over at her. "Rin, If they don't find you in the castle...then they'll never stop searching until they find you."

Rin's eyes widened and filled with tears as she understood what I meant. "No..." she whispered. "No...NO NO NO NO NO!" She started crying hysterically.

I could hear the castle guards yelling and the grunts and screams.

"Rin put on the clothes NOW!" I yelled. 

There was a bang at the door. I grabbed Rin's hand and dragged her through the pillar and into her room."

"Get in the closet and put those on." I commanded. I took her bow out of her hair and put it into my own.

"B...but LEN!" She cried. 

"And be QUIET!" I shoved her into the wardrobe and went over to the mirror to fix my hair. I even went so far as to take some of her makeup and put it on quickly.

There was a yelling in the hallway and I hurried over to the balcony.

The door slammed open.

"Well well well. So the princess runs and hides in her room!" One of the men from before laughed.

I turned to face them and pointed one of Rin's fans at his face. "You're such a...disrespectful man!"

He blinked.

"Leave my palace at once!" I demanded and stamped my foot.

"Alright. But you're coming with me your majesty." He smirked. "Your reign of tyranny is over."

With that he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the door. I saw Rin peeking through the closet and mouthed for her to leave quickly. 

I turned and allowed myself to be dragged so I wouldn't have to look at her tear stained eyes. And by allowed, I mean I kicked and screamed a little but let him take me without causing any actual damage, even though I could have.

I looked back once when they shove me into a wagon to see Rin running into the woods.

There was no Len there would only be Rillian. All I pray is that I don't give myself away and endanger my sister.

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