Chapter 2:

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Rin's POV

I am princess Rillian, the soon to be ruler of the kingdom of Lucifenia. When my father died, he instructed me to be sure I never offended the neighboring kingdoms: Elphegort and Marlon.

As it so happened, I was wildly in love with the prince of Marlon. Prince Kaito.

It was about a year ago that I had ordered for a new valet. My last one was entirely disrespectful and never ceased to offend me.

The new servant was a queer boy by the name of Allen. His name sounded to me, vaguely familiar. I could have thought he was my brother, but that was impossible. Father had had Len killed so he couldn't destroy the kingdom. I found that to be very harsh.

Allen was entirely devoted to me, always taking my side and guiding me. He never even became angry with me when I got cross at him. Once he had tried to tell me that I couldn't let my grief be the cause of my decisions. 

"You could never understand!" I had screamed throwing the first thing I saw at him. (It was a hairbrush) "You could never understand how I feel! Both my father and mother are dead!"

He had bowed his head. "Forgive me highness...I meant no disrespect...however I do indeed understand. My father and mother have died as well and I was separated from my sister at a young age."

That quieted me. He really DID understand? "Might I call you Len?" I asked him. "I had a brother named Len."

The servant got a twinkle in his eye and smiled wide. "It would please me very much. I always did hate the name Allen."

I liked Allen very much. If I didn't love Kaito so much I might have loved him. How silly I was! Of course I couldn't love a servant!

Once I caught him sneaking down to the beach beside the castle. He placed a small bottle in the ocean and watched it drift away. Then he knelt down and seemed to pray.

He did this every day and soon I accompanied him in the open.

"Why do you always do this?" I had asked him.

"Because a long time ago I was told by a spirit that If you put a pure hearted wish into a bottle and let it drift into the would come true." He had answered.

"I've met a spirit before but it possessed me. I have been possessed twice." I said. "The first time it was the demon of greed and the second time of pride and cruelty. The high priest always got rid of them however. What is so important that you must wish it every day?"

Allen got a mischievous twinkle in his eye "Well mistress..." He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

I reddened. "HOW DARE YOU!" I cried.

Then he laughed. I would have had him executed immediately had he not said afterwards: "Just kidding...I wish that her highness will be happy forever."

This reached my heart. No one had ever wished my happiness before. "Then you had better stay with me forever." I said coldly, then I turned and smiled at him. "Len always makes me happy."

Allen smiled and tears sprung into his eyes. He really is the strangest boy I've ever met.

Then one of the servants came running up to me. He bowed quickly and said: "Your majesty...Prince Kaito is here."

My heart gave a leap and I rushed back to the palace with Len close behind.

Another servant came up to me. "Excuse me of the farmers is here with a delivery..."

I turned to Len. "Oversee that while I am in discussion with the Prince please."

Len nodded and went off.

Now to see the love of my life!

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