Chapter 1:

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Len's POV:

I have been working for my sister, the princess, for over a year now. I'll never forget the day I got there:


After I had been changed into more suitable clothing (They were more uncomfortable than I remembered) the man led me into a very large room that I faintly remembered to be me and Rin's old bedroom. Now it was only furnished for one of course.

"Your majesty, may I present your new valet." The man declared.

Rin turned around and looked at me. I had expected her to remember me but instead all she said was: "I hope he's better then the last one you got me. Now go inform the chef it is almost snack time."

The man left and I was left to attend to my sister's every need. She stood and looked me over for ten minutes and then went back to looking in the mirror.

I was so happy and yet so disappointed...I felt tears spring into my eyes.

"What are you crying for?" Rillian demanded.

"Forgive me, It has always been my dream to be able to serve you." I answered, bowing my head.

At this she spun around and walked up to me. I could hear the clicking of her shoe's.

"Not many dream to be a servant." She said suspiciously.

"My wish is to serve my princess and to be able to make her happy." I replied with my head still bowed.

Then Rin laughed. "You are the strangest servant I have ever met." Then the bell rang three times. "Oh look!" She cried happily. "It's snack time!"

"Shall I fetch your majesty's snack?" I asked.

"Go." She had commanded.

That very night the queen, my mother, died. I wasn't permitted to see her being only a servant, which almost broke my heart.

I entered my sister's room precisely at seven in the morning.

She sat in a chair with her head In her hands. I could hear her gasping for breath as she cried. I wanted to run to her and comfort her, but I was only the servant and had to play my part. I stood by the door, ready to run at any time to get whatever she may ask me.

"I'm weak." I heard her mumble as she cried.


She looked up a me, her eyes shining with tears. "I am weak!" She repeated. "A truly strong leader would not feel as broken as I do now!"

"Excuse me highness, but I believe you are not weak." I announced.

"You dare contradict me!" She screamed.

"Your majesty, only a fool would try to deny that they felt hurt when someone they cared about had died. I admire that you can admit you feel weak, it shows how strong you really are."

My sister paused. She looked at me as if she had expected me to gush an apology for contradicting her. I couldn't tell if she was angry with me or not.

Then she sniffed. "Would you consider me weak if I cried on your shoulder?"

"Of course not your majesty...but I don't think your court would like it very much if..."

As soon as I said: "Your court wouldn't like..." She flung herself at me and sobbed into my shoulder. She was almost exactly the way I remembered her.

"Don't worry your majesty...I'll always be here for you..." I whispered. I don't know if she heard it or not

End Flashback.

I had never told her who I really was. I hadn't seen a good reason too and felt I could serve her better if she didn't know. If she knew who I was, she might refuse to let me serve her.

Every weekend I would go to town and visit the orphanage to see Miss Megurine and all the little kids. Little Emi always waited for me at the gate. I always gave half of the money I made to Miss Megurine, my excuse was for her to board me over the weekend. She never liked to accept it however.

Rin has grown very close to me and refuses to let any one else attend to any of her needs. She always looks to me for support and comfort. Rillian has a terrible temper and is a bit greedy but niether of those things are her fault.

It is my honor to be able to fully devote myself to the service of my sister. She is the princess and I the servant.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

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