Chapter 20:

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Mr. Hatsune's POV:

My little lovebirds were overjoyed. Their eyes were twinkling and if their smiles could beam and wider they wouldn't have any face left.

I remembered being like this. Miku's wonderful wife...all of those memories. The goddess of fate is cruel to have taken her from me.

Len handed Miku some sort of folded cloth he had been holding this whole time and she ran it upstairs.

He turned to me, his eyes shining. "Thank you sir."

I patted him on the head.

Miku came back into the room.

"I have to get going." Len announced regretfully.

"Don't want to stay for dinner ey?" I teased.

"I must go home for dinner." The boy sighed.

"See you tomorrow?" Miku asked.

"Of course." Len's eye's twinkled and he was gone.

"Going home?" I wondered aloud. "Does the boy call the orphanage his home?"

"No papa. Len was adopted." Miku smiled.

"Ah. Good for him."

Len's POV:

I reached Captain Leonheart's house. It was not an elegant estate but it certainly wasn't humble or modest. Germaine was outside, decimating a practice dummy with her deadly blade. I would never want to cross her in battle. She has already proved she's stronger than almost all of the castle guards. Germaine wants to join the army. She would make a great soldier, but being a girl...well...they don't want to enlist her. The only one who wasn't afraid to tell her "no" was of course Rillian.

I opened to gate to the house and started to walk to the door. Germaine whipped around and pointed the sword at me.

"Um...not a threat!" I said, putting my hands up.

"Oh hi Len." She placed her sword in its sheath. "You came just in time. I was just called for dinner."

Dinner to say the least, was a little awkward. I was glad that they cared about me so much but...I didn't like how the captain kept trying to take the place of my father. He insisted I called him father or daddy. I politely refused and said it wasn't proper since he was the captain of the guard and that I should address him as "Sir" or "Captain".

Germain led me to my room. It was nicer than the one back at the palace and the orphanage, but less welcoming. It was decorated in a stiff rich manner, while my rooms at the castle and orphanage were poor and friendly.

"Good night Len." Germaine called as she left the room.

I laid myself down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I wasn't comfortable. At the orphanage I had all of the little kids to protect, and at the castle I could serve my sister. What did I have here? They didn't expect me to work or do anything here. 

Despite all this, I couldn't help smiling. I was courting Miku! Everything good in my life has always been a split. Miss Megurine raised me and was kind, but my parents disowned me. The younger kids at the orphanage liked me, but the older one's hated me. I got to go back to my rightful home, but my parents were both gone. I was able to see my sister, but only as her servant.

But nothing about Miku was given in halves. Right from the start she was my friend and now she loves me. I am the luckiest servant in the world. Tomorrow I would get to bring the prettiest girl in the world to the festival.

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