Chapter 4:

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Len's POV:

I walked through the streets of the small town late on Friday afternoon. I never wore my servants clothes in town. I always wore a plain long sleeved white shirt and brown pants and vest. They were the clothes I had gotten at the orphanage. The next day would be Miss Megurine's birthday and I was going to use some of my savings to buy her a present. I was just walking into a store when I bumped into someone on there way out.

"I'm sorry! That was my fault!" The person said.

I rubbed my head and then stood. "That's okay." I looked and saw that it was the girl with teal twin tails. 

"Oh! Len it's you!" She smiled.

I smiled too. It made me feel happy that she remembered me.

"I was getting a snack for my friends." She announced pointing to her basket.

"Hey Miku!" Someone yelled behind us. "Are you coming!"

"One minute!" The girl called back. At least now I know her name. "Len would you like to play with us? I'm sure my friends would like to meet you." Miku asked.

I was going to say no, I still had to get a present for Miss Megurine, but the shining look in her eye completely rid me of that option.

"I suppose..." I started.

Miku smiled brightly, grabbed my hand and ran over to her friends with me.

"Everyone this is Len. He works at the castle." She introduced. Her friends were sitting in a circle in the grass. There were three boys and three girls.

"Excellent! Now we're an even group!" One of the boys said. He stood and extended his hand. "My name is Luki." I shook his hand cordially.

"I'm Gumi!" One of the girls called. "Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Ilsie." One of the girls said a little quietly.

"Let's shorten this!" Luki declared and then pointed the the three that hadn't introduced themselves yet "That's Emi and that's Fukase and this is Oliver."

They each nodded in turn.

"Welcome to our group!" Emi said.

I found it funny that her name was Emi. She even had reddish orange hair just like Emi from the orphanage! It wasn't funny anymore I decided. It was creepy.

"I need to go get another snack!" Miku cried and ran back to the store.

The girl named Ilsie looked me over. I felt that I was being judged by a very critical eye. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again.

Then Miku came back. "Okay I got enough for everybody!' She announced, handing us each a small loaf of bread.

"Thanks Miku!" Gumi cried. 

Emi smiled her thanks.

"Alright what should we play?" Fukase suggested.

"I'm in! I love that game!" Oliver smiled.

I could already tell so much about their characters. Miss Megurine said that I was gifted and surprised her when I could tell her who was the most likely to have done certain things.

Ilsie wasn't shy, she was overprotective of Miku. I could tell she didn't like me because she hadn't been there when I met Miku so she didn't know what to think of me yet.

Gumi was energetic while Emi was quiet. They were a strange pair but I could tell that they were friends. They were both the kind that you could win the trust of easily, but if you broke their trust you would never be wholly forgiven.

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