Prologue Part 2:

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Len's POV:

I am Prince Allen. Well...I suppose I'm really only Len now. No one knows here at the orphanage that I am really the prince, not even after being here for nine years have they guessed my secret. A few years ago there was a large funeral service for the king. I tried my hardest to make it seem as if I didn't care much when the casket processed by the orphanage. I was currently on my way to the lunchroom.

"OW! Stop it! You're hurting me!" Yelled a little girl named Emi. She was only eight and a certain boy had been tormenting her for the past few days.

"Stop it." I said. Trying to maintain calm composure.

"Oh! So little Lenny wants to play hero? You should know that heroes always get hurt!" The boy yelled as he shoved me to the ground.

He aimed a punch meant for my face and I let him hit his target. I despise violence of any kind. Even though this boy was hurting me, I wouldn't hurt him back.

Emi started crying and soon the headmistress came from around a corner.

She pulled the boy off of me. "Really John. I think you are the most aggressive child I have ever had in my home."

John sniffed and pointed at me. "He...he started it...he hurt me first so I had to defend myself."

By this time I was able to stand a little shakily and was leaning against one of the support beams for the outdoor hallway.

"Miss Megurine?" Called little Emi from where she stood.

"Yes dear?" Miss Megurine asked.

"John is lying...he was pulling my hair again and Len stopped him and then John went and punched Len and Len didn't punch back and I thought John was going to kill him!" Cried the little girl, brushing some of her orange hair out of her face.

Miss Megurine took John by the ear and walked off.

I started to head back on my way to the lunchroom Emi threw herself at me.

"Thank you Len. You always protect me."

I patted her on the head. "Don't worry Emi, I won't let John hurt you."

I had a reputation at this orphanage, as the sissy boy. The sissy boy that couldn't fight to save his life but still stood up for all of the bullies victims. I was probably the most bullied at this orphanage.

All of the little girls and boys really liked me and would follow me around but all of the kids my age hated me.

I was walking past Miss Megurine's office when I heard someone call out: "You there! Come here boy!"

I turned and saw a well dressed man walking towards me. "None of the other rascals here will direct me to the headmistress would you kindly show me the way?" He asked.

I took my hand off of my injured arm and bowed my head. "Yes sir. She's this way sir." I led the man into the laundry room.

I knew Miss Megurine's schedule perfectly so I knew she would be in here.

"Thank you boy." The man tipped his hat to me. "Miss Megurine!"

Miss Megurine appeared from behind a sheet. "Yes thats me."

"I come from the palace." The man announced.

I had been about to leave but decided to stay until I was dismissed. I wanted to hear what he had come for. I had a small hope deep inside that my mother was going to welcome me back home, but I didn't let it grow much. I didn't want to be disappointed. 

I had missed part of the conversation due to my thoughts but It was evident I hadn't missed much.

"So you are looking for a valet for the princess?" Miss Megurine asked.

"Yes. I thought I should come here first since someone here may be more willing then a boy with a family."

A twinkle appeared in Miss Megurine's eye. She was the one who had brought me here all those years ago and I could tell what she was thinking.

However before she even had a chance to propose her idea, the man announced: "I wish to take this boy if he be willing. All the other boys here are ruffians but he shows true kindness, I believe he may be able to put up with the princess."

"I'll go." I said simply, trying to hide my excitement. It may be true I was returning as a servant, but I would still be able to see my mother and my sister.

"Excellent!" The man cried happily. "I will give you ten minutes to collect your things."

I didn't have anything but knew that I would spend the ten minutes saying goodbye.

Miss Megurine grasped me in a hug. "Oh Len...I will miss you so very much. I will be happy for you get to see your mother and sister! Please don't forget me!"

"I won't. I'll miss you too, maybe I can visit sometimes!" I said. "Like on the weekends!"

Miss Megurine nodded and let me go.

I went out and immediately bumped into Emi who threw her arms around me and cried into my stomach: "Len why are you leaving! I'll miss you! You are the only one nice to me." She sobbed.

I bent down and looked her in the eye. "It's okay Emi. I'll come back and visit you soon okay?"

She sniffed and wiped away her tears. "Everybody else will miss you something awful too."

"Your right. I bet John will cry himself to sleep every night." I joked.

Little Emi giggled and then hugged me one last time. "I'll tell them that you're leaving." She said sadly and ran off.

I hope someone sticks up for the little kids when I'm gone.

"Come along son!" Called the man from an expensive looking carriage. "The princess awaits!"

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