Chapter 31:

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Miku's POV:

"Miku!" I heard Len call my name so I looked up from my book. He was panting and his cheeks were flushed from excitement.

"Len what is it? What happened?" I asked with a smiled.

"I have something I need to tell you." He said seriously and sat down across from me.

His sudden change of tone completely caught my attention. He suddenly looked very upset and even a little scared.

"Okay." I smiled encouragingly. "Whatever it is you can tell me."

Len sighed in relief. "I can't tell you here though...let's go to the lake."

I put down my book and stretched my arms out. "Alright! I needed some fresh air anyways."

Len took my hand and led me quickly through the forest. Much quicker than we had ever gone before. Whatever he wanted to tell me must be extremely urgent.

When we reached the lake he motioned for me to sit. He remained standing and paced back and forth a few times before abruptly turning to face me. "Miku...I want to tell you who I really am."

I smiled and laughed a little. "I know who you are. You're Len." 

Len's expression lightened a little, I was hoping to make him feel better but I would take whatever I could get. "Miku...I don't know how you'll feel about this but I feel you have a right to know. I've never been able to tell this to anyone, but you have always understood me before and I know you will now. But you must promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to say to you." Len pushed his hair back nervously.

"Okay." I agreed. "I won't even tell Ilsie."

Len smiled in relief and opened his mouth to speak. "Miku...My father was named Rinto, my mother was called Lenna, and my sisters name is Rillian. I am Allen...the supposedly "lost" prince of Lucifenia."

My eyes widened. I looked up at Len and everything...everything started to make sense.

Without giving me time to say anything...Len, or rather Allen, went on. He explained everything about his past. The tragedy of being disowned...his parents dying and him not being able to mourn for them...his sister not knowing him. To add to it all...he began to cry. I knew he wasn't making it up. By the deep sorrow in his voice, and look of pleading in his eyes. He even told up to the present. His joy of finally being loved and having friends his age...his fears and doubts about telling me.

He ended by saying: "I know this must be hard to believe. It's a lot to take in, and I don't blame you if you don't believe me."

"But I DO believe you." I smiled, but I was crying too. "Oh Len...Allen? I'm so sorry..."

"Miku please don't call me Allen. I don't want you to think any differently of me." He sighed.

"But you're a prince and I'm..."

"The kindest person in the world. The first person to ever really care for me in my entire life." Len cut me off. "Don't you dare say "Farm girl." And if you say: "Peasant" I will go into a rage."

I choked on a laugh and nodded.

"Oh wait!" Len cried happily. "I forgot that I have something for you. Wait right here." He ran off in the direction of the beach.

I waited five minutes before he returned. He was smiling strangely and had his servants clothes put on.

"Are you ready?" He asked. But his tone sounded strange.


"Perfect." Len put his hands into his coat and pulled something out that glinted in the light of the twilight. 

It was a knife. "Sorry Miku..." He said and lunged forward.

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