Chapter 7:

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Mr. Hatsune's POV:

The boy came in gratefully and took the seat I set out for him.

"It may not be much but we call it our home." I said to the boy.

"Thank you sir. I've never liked large buildings. There's too much space to be able to think properly." He replied.

Miku came in with the teapot and cups. She carefully poured a cup for each of us and then sat down.

"I would like to be acquainted with you. Tell me a bit about yourself." I announced.

"Well sir. My name is Len and I grew up in this town."

"What are your folk's names? I may know them."

"My parents died when I was younger." The said, his face didn't even flinch as he said the words. But his eye's betrayed the intense sorrow he felt. "I was raised in the orphanage."

"You have a job son?" I asked. If he said no I would offer him one here. Including food and board. My heart went out to the poor boy. 

"Yes sir. I work as a servant in the castle." Len smiled a little, as though he found something about that humorous. 

We talked for a little bit until I realized it was getting late...and by late I mean early. I told the boy he had better get back to the orphanage before Miss Megurine worried herself to death.

He thanked me for inviting him in, bowed to both Miku and I, and then left.

"Oh papa why didn't you offer for him to stay?" Miku cried as soon as the door was shut.

"I was going to dear, but he wouldn't have said yes. I can tell he cares an awful lot about his Miss Megurine from the way he talked about her." 

"You're probably right." Miku sighed.

"Now I would like to know what you two were doing out so late."

"We were walking home papa."

"From where?" I asked.

"We were in the woods with the rest of the group, and both me and Len go this way so we walk home together."

"It shouldn't have taken that long to get home from that old funny looking rock."

"No papa. We were at a big lake in an enormous clearing. It took us half the day just to walk there."

"Why in the blazes would you have walked that far?" I asked exasperatedly. 

"Because Len wanted to show us the lake and we all wanted something new to do."

"All right. Well go to bed. I want you home before it gets dark tomorrow so you better get a jump on the day."

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