Chapter 14:

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Miku's POV:

"Oh..." Len sighed. "All right. I'll see you again Friday night." He helped me back into the wagon, smiled once more, and then disappeared into the garden.

Not a minute later did my father come briskly over to the wagon.

"What's the matter girl!? Why are you all red?" My father cried worriedly.

"I'm alright father." I laughed.

"Ah!" He cried. "Ah! It was the boy eh?"


"Came to see you?" He talked absentmindedly as he climbed up and called out for the horses to "git up".

"Yes. Father did you ever like anyone before mother?" I asked

"No. I met your mother when we were young." My father replied suspiciously. "Are you having feelings for the boy?"

"I don't know. I'm so confused."

"That's how it can feel sometimes. My little girl is growing up!"

"I don't feel like I ever can grow up." I said suddenly. "Even if I wanted to."

"Now listen here Miku. Does the boy like you?"


"Would he protect you?"

I thought back to the library. "Yes."

"Does he ever do anything stupid to show off for you like that Luki fellow for Ilsie?"

"No. But he's said he's tempted to."

"Does your heart get all fluttery when he's around?"

"Yes? Pappa what..."

"If it came to a life or death situation...would he sacrifice himself for you."

I thought about that a minute. "Yes." I said finally. Len had of course never said anything of the sort but his eyes said it for him.

"Then keep him. You like him and he likes you. Try not to quarrel over anything, especially if it's silly understand?"

"Yes father."

"Good girl."

I guess I really did like Len. Maybe someday...but I wouldn't think of that right now. 

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