Chapter 10:

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Ilsie's POV:

Miku was blushing when she came up to us with Len. I didn't like that she and Len were spending so much time together.

I don't like him one bit. He seems so innocent but I can tell he's hiding something. I won't let him hurt Miku. What can I do though? I can't be with her all the time and if I say anything she might get cross with me.

She hardly ever looked up the entire time we were talking about "soul animals." She looked up once when Gumi said something about a wolf but that was all.

What had he done to her? She wouldn't even look or talk to me!

Finally the boy in question rose. "I had better go. It's a long walk."

"Can't you have your folks bring you?" Luki asked.

"Don't be so stupid Luki." Gumi retorted. "They're probably working."

Len opened his mouth, closed it again and then opened it once more. "Well...bye then. See you all next week."

Once Len had gone conversation died for a while. Even Gumi was quiet for a few minutes.

"So...I find him to be a jolly fellow." Oliver announced placing his hands behind his head.

"He is very kind." Emi repeated, starting to weave a fifth flower crown. 

"What a mysterious boy!" Gumi cried. 

"What are you talking about?" Fukase asked.

"Didn't you see his face when I was talking about the wolf? and when you mentioned his folks? Like he has some special secret or something."

"Well I wasn't looking at him the whole time." Fukase defended.

"Me neither!" Emi chimed in looking up for the first time from her handiwork. "I don't ever really look at people to see their reactions."

"How about to see if he was handsome?" Gumi inquired.

Emi's face twisted with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he's a good looking kind of person. Much better looking than those three." Gumi waved in the direction of the three boys who cried out in protest...except for Fukase. "For heaven's sake! Ilsie...Miku...say SOMETHING! You've both been quiet as the dead. Or quieter if you've heard my uncle's story."

"What story?" Oliver asked incredulously.

"That is for another time." Gumi waved her hand. "I'm going to wait to see if I can scare Len into being a sissy."

They all went on. Talking about HIM and what they liked and found strange. They also listed several things they didn't like (this was the boys but I would have been more than happy to join in).

Miku looked up. "Oh please STOP. None of us ever talk about any of you like this behind your backs."

"Speaking of behind people's backs...what were you and Len doing together?" Gumi asked excitedly. "You've been blushing like mad this entire time!"

Ah! So Gumi noticed as well.

"N...nothing. I just went to the library like I always do and he was there so he walked me here."

"Did you hate it or like it?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Of course I liked it! He's my friend!" Miku cried.

Emi nodded. She sympathized with Miku here.

Luki opened his mouth to say something but I shot him a glare. As much as I wanted to find out what happened, I wasn't going to let them all pester Miku to death.

"Excuse me..." We heard a voice say. A woman was standing there and looking down at us. "I am extremely short staffed currently, if you children come and help some of my servants clean the house, I will pay you."

"Alright." The boys agreed.

"No thank father wouldn't like it." Gumi sighed. "And I could use the money too." I heard her mumble.

Miku, Emi, and I said we would have to ask our parents.

"Well if you can, stop by the house tomorrow." Then she gave us a detailed explanation on how to get there and went off.

"That was random." Oliver smirked.

"You think that was random!?" Gumi cried and proceeded to tell us a story about another uncle. Even after all these years I've known her...I never seem to reach the end of the list of uncles.

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