Chapter 37:

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Rillian's POV:

I watched...I watched them take BROTHER away. Why had he never told me? I went down to the sea...and cried. I cried for hours. For my lost brother, for my mother and father, for Kaito, for the girl Len had loved. Just when I finally get reunited with my brother...he gets taken from me. He's going to die for MY sins.

The idiot!

My sorrow turned to anger as it always does. Why would he sacrifice himself for me? Didn't he know that now I would have to be by myself? I had nowhere to go and no one to care for me. After all I had done to him too! I had killed the man who might have adopted him, and the girl he loved! The idiot could have just let me die and then been free. 

I kicked at the sand and hit my toe against something hard.

"AGH!" I crouched down and began to cry again. Why me? Why was everything going wrong? I had everything I could ever want so why wasn't enough?

I saw in the sand something black. With my heart beating wildly I uncovered it and saw it was a little black box.

It was THE little black box.

I opened it, but nothing came out. But something did go IN. Everything left me. All of the demons that left me with their sins left. And they laughed at me as I went.

My head was spinning and it hurt. All the memories of everything I had done came back. The screams, the tortures. The wild looks of fear, and the pleadings. And the blood. All the blood.

My hands weren't just stained with red, they were permanently dyed. They were gushing red.

I felt sick. I wasn't hungry anymore, I felt foolish and awful for the things I had done. All the demons had left me and they took their gifts with them. Now I was alone with my memories and the things they had made me do.

I saw a black dot on the horizon, it became larger and larger until I saw the beast. The demon from when I was a little girl.

"You see what comes of being greedy and prideful little princess?" The voice came. "You will be remembered with hate at the tongues of those who teach and the ears that listen. You have caused pain and suffering because of your greed, and you refused to be sorry because of your pride. And now see where we leave you? Now that we have taken away your greed and pride? Now you will suffer. You will suffer what your brother suffered, what YOU made him suffer." With that the demon went into the box. The lid snapped shut and then the box was carried away by the waves.

It was

Len's POV:

The people spat at me as I was shoved into the prison. They laughed as well. I pretended to be furious, but on the inside I was scared. I knew it would hurt...I was scared of the pain...I was scared because now I was breaking my promise to Miku. 

One of the guards threw in a simply white dress. "Put that on ya hear? Unless you want us to put it on for you."

"I only dress in private you peasant." I snapped.

The guard left the cell and I hurriedly changed into the white dress. No one could know. I can't have them looking for, or even worse, finding Rin.

After I was finished changing I heard a door open and footsteps in the hall.

"Leave us." A voice said.

Oh great. I really didn't want to have to deal with this person right now.

"Well Rillian. I simply cannot believe you would try to intervene in my life like this." Prince Kaito announced as he entered the cell.

"And i simply cannot believe that I'm seeing you right now. So I shall just ignore your presence entirely." I then stared straight ahead through him and scarcely even blinked.

"And just because I wanted to marry that little green haired farm girl you went into a rage and had all the girls her age murdered." He went on.

K...Kaito wanted to marry...MIKU!? I tried not to react to that but I was slipping.

"Well you didn't have to worry your pretty little head so much. The peasant refused me! IMAGINE!"

"SHE WASN'T A PEASANT!" I yelled. Shoot.

"Ah yes. In your eyes she must have been some sort of spy or assassin sent to ensure that our countries were never united. Well I'm glad they're not. I wouldn't be you for the world."

He stood and left. "Farewell sweet Rillian." He smirked.

"Ah! A RAT!" I screamed.

Kaito ran out of the cell faster than a deer runs from the hunter. I snickered. 

Then Germaine entered.

I turned my nose up at her.

Her eyes widened. "Oh my...LEN!?"

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"Len why on earth!?" Germaine started to cry. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Germaine...please don't tell anyone." I whispered. There was no fooling her so I might as well just skip trying to.

"WHY!? Oh Len come on I can help you get out of here! It isn't too late and...and...then you won't die too!"

I thought about it for a minute. Then I was ashamed I even had to think about it. It was so tempting, and thats exactly why I knew it was wrong.

"I can't Germaine, they would look for her then. I can't have them find her."

"WHY!? LEN WHY!?" She screamed.

"SHHHH!" I shushed her. "Because...Germaine...she's...Rillian" I took a deep breath. "Rillian is my sister."

Germaine choked. Then she pulled me into a hug and sobbed.

"I'm sorry Germaine..." I whispered.

"NO! You're such an IDIOT! SHE'S THE WORST PERSON EVER AND YOU...AGH!" Germaine stormed out of the cell and slammed the door shut. I noticed she didn't lock it but I wasn't going to try anything.

There was no point in sleeping. I didn't need to sleep since I was going to die tomorrow. So I spent the night praying. I prayed for my sister, and I prayed that God would forgive me for everything I had done wrong so I could be with Miku.

The sun was rising...

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