youre cool

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Millies pov

I woke up in bed I realized I did have my dress on and i have a hoodie and sweat pants did someone change me?

I got up from this bed '' hello ... is anyone here where am I '' I shouted

'' oh mills you're awake '' I heard a voice I looked at the person talking it's finn

'' where am I '' I asked

'' at my house  you got so drunk and then you started shouting in the mic yesterday pointing at someone saying he's a - i didn't let you finish the sentence cause you were wasted and probably would've regret what you said and made a fool out of yourself '' he said

'' I remember a little bit now I was pointing at my ex boyfriend I was gonna say he's a cheater '' I said

'' glad I didn't I would've regretted making a scene'' I said as me and finn looked into each other's eyes

'' you're a douche bag but I think you can be cool sometimes'' I said

'' cool sometimes ? '' He said

'' im cool all the time '' he said

i started laughing at him

'' good joke '' I said

'' Finn are these your clothes '' I asked

'' no they're actually gatens sweat pants and his hoodie '' he said

i walked back home since I live pretty close

I went home and took a shower

After the shower

I felt relaxed

maybe this fake boyfriend thing might turn out good I really don't like him though..

I went on Instagram and I saw this picture

Jacobsartourius : me and baee ❤️❤️

I forgot to unfollow him cause I'd had been off social media for weeks  I read the comments

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I forgot to unfollow him cause I'd had been off social media for weeks  I read the comments

Sadiesink : another girl seriously?

Lilia : he dates so many girls.

Maddieziegler : cheater

I didn't cry this time I just stayed strong me and finn will tell the world were a '' couple '' soon well when we go back to school on Monday

I blocked jacob.

I know this chapter was kinda boring sorry

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