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Millies pov

I woke up and went to eat breakfast

as I saw finn walking out the door

'' where are you going'' I asked

'' home I have to do something'' he said

as he left out the door

Finns pov

I saw nick.

'' finn I killed someone I had to '' he said

'' nick what's going on '' I said

'' you know that guy I threaten he almost killed you  I don't know his name '' nick said

'' it's jacob '' I said

'' I killed him '' nick said

'' what '' I said

'' he was infront of our house and god who knows what he might've done if I hadn't shown up in time '' nick said

'' it's ok nick he was a bad person '' I said

'' when did you kill him '' I asked

'' a month ago I thought I should tell you '' nick said

'' can I see him '' I said

'' ok '' nick said

after he took the dirt out of the hole he buried him in

I saw jacob lying there dead

'' ok you can burry him back '' I said

after he buried him back

'' after all these years he's finally dead '' I said

Millies pov

I heard the door opening

maybe it's finn

as I ran out of my room it wasn't finn it's Lilia

'' what are you doing here '' Lilia asked

'' this is our house '' I said

'' but I thought you guys were going back to your old houses '' Lilia said

'' we were but something came up so we decided to stay here '' I said

'' ok that's fine '' she said

Sorry this chapter was a little boring

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