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Millies pov

i didn't know what to do today maybe invite Kenzie and issac over

'' hey mills i invited issac over were gonna play video games '' he said

'' ok '' I said

i'll invite Kenzie I guess I'm so bored

Me : hey kenz wanna come over I'm so bored?

Kenzie : ok sure what's your address

I gave her my address

5 minutes later

I heard a knock

'' hi guys come in '' I said

'' where's finn '' issac asked

'' over here bro '' finn said

'' ok let's go to the kitchen '' I said

as we sat down at the table

'' im bored '' we both said

'' lets go shopping'' I said

10 minutes later

we shopped at the store looking at clothes I got this

we shopped at the store looking at clothes I got this

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Kenzie got a crop top and shoes

3 hours later

we got a lot of stuff and walked out of the store

'' I love shopping'' Kenzie said

'' same'' i said

10 minutes later

we arrived back home

'' you guys have been gone for 3 hours where were you '' finn said

'' we went shopping'' me and Kenzie said

'' wow that's a lot of stuff Kenz you're gonna need a bigger closet '' issac said

'' I'm gonna head home now millie so I can put this stuff away '' she said

'' oh ok bye kenzie '' I said

as they left

'' now that they're gone '' finn said

I was against the wall

Finn placed his hand on the wall

I kissed him and wrapped my legs around him as he lift me up taking me to the bed and was on top of me

I kissed and ran my fingers through his hair

as I got on top of him

'' you're in my control tonight '' I said

3 hours later

Finns pov.

I heard a sound in the living room like creaking

'' i'll be back '' I said

'' where are you going '' mills said

'' I need to check something'' I said as I left the bed

and put on my pants and shirt

and had a flashlight

'' come out little shit '' I said it might be a rat as I was holding flash light

'' whoa it's just me'' I heard a voice it's  Lilia

'' lils what are you doing here '' I asked

'' taking you back home '' Lilia said

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