you want to see me?

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Millies pov

'' hey finn '' i said

'' hey mills '' he said

'' I have to go to work but I'll be back'' I said


6 hours later

I finished work and drove back home

10 minutes later

as I knocked on the door

as I saw finn crying

'' thank god you're ok '' he said as he hugged me

'' what are you talking about '' I asked

'' black hoodie texted me saying you really should keep a CLOSER eye on millie , finnie '' he said

'' i thought he killed you '' he said

'' nope he didn't '' I said

7 minutes later

I laid in bed as Finn kissed my forehead

'' I'm just glad you're ok I got really scared '' he said

as I laid my head on his chest

'' goodnight i love you '' I said

'' I love you too '' he said

4 hours later

I heard a knock on the door

as I ran to the door bringing a bat with me

as I opened it almost hitting a person

'' whoa millie it's just me '' caleb whispered

'' what are you doing here '' I asked

'' well I got a text from black hoodie saying to meet him in the park '' caleb whispered

'' it's a trap '' I whispered

'' it might not be '' he said

'' can u come '' he asked

'' no no way '' I whispered

'' please millie it might be sadie '' he said

he sounds crazy as hell

'' sadie is dead please let her Rest In Peace '' i said

'' ok but just come with me if it isn't her '' he said

'' let me changed into a different outfit '' I said

'' let me changed into a different outfit '' I said

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'' ok lets go and be behind me '' he said

as I brought my bat

7 minutes later

we arrived at the park

'' stay behind the bushes cause I said i was coming alone '' he said as I stayed behind the bushes

as he went towards a tree

'' black hoodie im here '' he said

'' you want to see me'' he said

7 minutes later

I looked and caleb was no where to be found

'' caleb '' i said

'' caleb '' I screamed

as I walked toward the bathroom door

I heard something

he was stuck in the bathroom door

'' help '' he screamed

'' don't worry caleb im gonna find help '' i said

as I called gaten

'' hello'' he said

'' caleb is stuck in the bathroom at the meadow park and I can't get him out please come quick '' I said

'' on it '' he said

10 minutes later

I saw gaten

5 minutes later

he got caleb out of that room

'' why are you cold '' I asked

'' he or she put some type of cold thing in there '' caleb said

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