done this pt 2

92 6 13

Millies pov

as I refused

'' please trust me it isn't a trap '' I said said

'' im being serious'' Sadie said

as I went in her car

as I saw Sadie zone out

'' Sadie '' I tapped her shoulder

'' I had another flash back '' she said

'' what are you talking about '' I asked

'' I remember picking you up from here and you said someone cheated on you was it that finn guy '' she said

why is she pretending she doesn't remember

'' stop acting like you don't remember'' I said

'' i didn't remember until now '' Sadie said

'' sure '' I said

'' so we really were best friends'' Sadie said

'' yes '' I said

'' nah I think I just did you a favor '' she said

10 minutes later

I arrived home

'' hey mills '' Finn said

'' whoa you're wet a little '' finn said

'' yeah I know it rained when I was walking '' I said

as he wrapped his hoodie around me

'' thanks but im gonna go shower '' I said

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