noise pt2

91 4 54


Calebs pov

no caleb this is in your head it isn't real.

'' GET OUT OF MY HEAD '' I yelled

'' i don't wanna see you'' i yelled

'' GET OUT'' I yelled

'' im gonna close my eyes you better be gone sadie'' I said as I closed my eyes

and opened a sec later

'' you're dead you're just a ghost '' I said

'' GO AWAY '' I said as she slapped me

'' can a ghost slap you'' she said

'' you're not sadie sadies dead '' I said

'' but i am '' she said


'' it's me do I have to slap you again '' she said

'' it really is you '' I said as I hugged her

as she pushed me off of her

'' what do you think you're doing '' she said

'' don't touch me again '' she said

'' why are you doing this you have a scar does it hurt '' I asked

'' no and im doing this cause you guys have always been my enemy's '' she said

'' sadie are you black hoodie'' I asked

'' no i'm not i work for black hoodie now '' she said

'' now let me get back to work '' she said as she put her mask back on

'' no what are you gonna do '' I asked

'' something now move '' she said

'' no '' i said

'' well im gonna have to do this '' she as she punched me

as I fell asleep

Millies pov

as we woke up

maddie cooked food

'' guys i made food '' Maddie said as everyone came to the table

we were missing caleb

'' guys where's caleb '' lilia asked

'' he's probably upstairs i'll go get him '' Gaten said

as we waited

3 minutes later

'' he's not up there '' Gaten said

'' let me call him '' gaten said as he called caleb

'' he's not answering'' gaten said

'' he might be outside relaxing I'll go see '' gaten said

as he left

as we heard gaten scream

as we rushed outside

'' what's wrong '' noah asked

'' caleb he's dead '' gaten said

as Finn went close to caleb feeling his pulse

'' he isn't dead he's just asleep and he has a bruise '' Finn said

'' thank god '' gaten said

as we saw caleb waking up

'' what the hell happened'' gaten asked

'' I couldn't sleep yesterday night and then I heard a noise then I saw black hoodie and unmasked her it was sadie but sadie isn't black hoodie she just works for black hoodie '' caleb said

what kind of drugs was he on he must've drank too much

'' caleb she's dead get over it '' Maddie said

as he looked sad

'' no no caleb i didn't mean it like that '' Maddie said

'' I'm sorry '' she said

'' i'm not lying I saw her last night '' caleb said

'' let her Rest In Peace please I got her out of my head and now get her out of yours '' I said

'' I actually believe him '' lilia said

'' what ?! '' everyone said

'' we never really found her body '' lilia said

'' that's cause it was burned '' Finn said

'' yeah you're right what was I thinking '' lilia said

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