turned in

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Millies pov

i got a text from black hoodie again

im sick of him/her

Black hoodie : hey luv why haven't you been out of your house lately are you scared :)

Me : im not scared of anything

Black hoodie : whatever you say luv

Black hoodie : don't forget im taking you all down :)

that's it im turning this person into the police ive had enough

'' mills what's wrong why do you look so angry '' finn asked me

'' finn im turning black hoodie into the police '' I said

'' im coming with you hopefully he won't hurt anyone ever '' finn said

'' how do we know he's a he '' I said

'' he or she doesn't me matter what matters is we turn him into the police '' finn said

10 minutes later

we arrived at the police station

as I walked into the police station with Finn

'' so me and my husband and all of our friends have been receiving anonymous messages from a person '' I said as I took out my phone going into my camera roll looking for the screen shot it was gone

what?! I swear I screenshoted it

as I went to messages it was gone too all the text deleted

'' i had the text I swear '' I said

'' mills lets just go ''finn said

'' sorry it was just a prank a stupid prank won't do it again '' finn said as we left

10 minutes later


'' i- i they got deleted too I think '' finn said

'' FINN'' i yelled

'' ok fine wanna know the truth '' finn said

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