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Millies pov

I am at home ugh I'm so bored I got a text from finn

Finn : hey wanna come to my place?

Me : ok only cause im bored but I still hate you ;)

Finn : whatever

I walked to Finns house

5 minutes later

'' hey mills '' he said

'' hi '' I said

'' can you check my closet I think I saw your shoes in there '' he said

'' oh ok '' I said as I walked in the door closed behind me

'' hey!! Finn open the door '' I said

'' OPEN THE DAMN DOOR '' I yelled

'' OMG I HEAR A GHOST '' he said

'' Finn please '' i said

'' im sorry i shouldn't have done that to you '' I said

as I started crying loudly

*sobs *

'' fine ill open the door '' he said

a day later

I get to go school

I get to go school

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I choose a outfit

i decided to walk to school finn probably isn't coming


'' good finally you're here '' Finn said as he was standing outside his car

'' let's not fight '' I said

'' from now on I'll be picking you up from school '' he said

'' you don't need to '' I said

'' are an idiot we need to play a good couple , remember ? '' he said

'' I HATE YOU SO MUCH '' i yelled

'' stop yelling like that '' Finn whispered

'' there's people around us '' he whispered

'' i don't wanna look at you I wanna go home '' I said

'' why don't you listen to me '' he asked

'' let's go princess i'll take you home and you can pick out a outfit to wear to date '' he said

i got in the car i just want food i am hungry

7 minutes later

I changed into a jumpsuit

I changed into a jumpsuit

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We arrived at the diner

12 minutes later

'' can we talk about something''I asked

'' no'' he said as he looked on his phone

'' what are you doing '' I asked

'' im busy '' he said

'' fine '' I said

'' you're such an asshole'' I said as he threw cheesecake frosting on my outfit


'' what the fuck ?! '' I yelled

he ran out of the restaurant

I grabbed the cheesecake and threw it at his face

'' leave me alone '' I said

as he kept following me

'' millie im sorry '' he said

'' STOP FOLLOWING ME WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH ME '' I yelled as I hopped in a taxi car

as I arrived home Sadie was waiting outside my house

'' whoa mil you're outfit '' Sadie said

'' what happened'' she asked

'' Finn and I fought and then he threw this cheesecake on my beautiful jumpsuit '' I said

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday it took a while to write this

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