im glad

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I'm giving y'all two chapters today since I have time to write two :)

Millies pov

I woke up ready for my date and changed into an outfit

I woke up ready for my date and changed into an outfit

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'' where are you taking me '' I asked

'' it's a surprise '' he said

10 minutes later

this place is beautiful

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this place is beautiful

'' wow '' I said

he grabbed my hand

'' what do you think '' he asked

'' it's so beautiful'' I said

7 minutes later

our food was served

'' mills '' Finn said

'' im so glad we found each other '' he said

'' i'm glad we found each other too'' I said

I ate my pasta

and Finn ate his pasta too

'' finn can you care me to the car '' I asked

'' no '' he said

'' please I am tired and these heals are hurting my feet '' I said

'' ok princess '' he said

10 minutes later

we arrived at home

I sat on our bed taking off my heals

'' Mills '' he said

'' i- I love you '' he said

I gasped

'' i love you too '' I said

we kissed as he pushed me onto the bed


'' it's is nice waking up next to you '' finn said

'' you too '' I said

ugh my back I hate sex

I'm so sore 

I got up from bed

2 hours later

we arrived at the fair since we had nothing to do today

'' please can we go on the ride that goes up and down '' I begged

''no princess'' he said

'' please '' i said

'' ok we'll go '' he said

after the ride

I saw finn running to a trash can

I ran to him he was throwing up

'' let's not go on that ride again '' he said

'' i should win you a panda ''  ( a stuffed one ) he said

I looked at the panda it's cute

'' ok sure'' I said

2 hours later

'' im tired let's go home '' I said

'' finn '' i said

'' what '' he said

'' care me '' I said

'' absolutely'' he said

'' NOT '' he said

'' please finn '' i said

'' oh ok '' he said as he lifted me

20 minutes later

we arrived home

I laid in bed but me and Finn couldn't stop looking at each other so we kissed  -

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