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Finns pov

I've been in this hospital for weeks I bribed the doctor to keep this a secret that I was awake 

I just wanted to get away from drama since so much had happened

Caleb and gaten know I'm alive well I never died I didn't tell Noah since he's best friends with both millie and I I'm afraid he might tell her

Millies pov

who knows when Finn will wake up from his coma

might as well end this fake relationship thing now and Jacob he's idk if he's dead Sadie shot him in the stomach

there's was this annoying guy now it's all lonely

maybe I do love finn

I texted Lilia and Maddie

Me : hey wanna hang out?

Lilia : maybe tomorrow? wanna come with me and Maddie to sneak into hospital since they're not letting us see finn ?

Me : no you'll get in trouble!!

Lilia : oh ok I just miss him since he was my best friend

Me : you're still going

Lilia : idc if me and Maddie get in trouble

Me : be careful :)

Lilia : ok byee

I hope they're careful and make sure no one sees them

Lilias pov

we planned on how we are gonna do this we're gonna pretend to be doctors

10 minutes later

we sneaked into the hospital

into the back room where the hospital suits are

7 minutes later

we found Finns room

what the hell where is he did they move him I SWEAR THIS IS HIS ROOM

'' where is he '' Maddie asked

Finns pov

I got out of the bathroom as I saw Lilia and Maddie standing there with doctor suits on

'' please don't tell anyone '' i said

'' weren't you in a coma '' Maddie asked

'' yes but I bribed the doctor to keep this a secret about me waking up two weeks ago I just wanted to get away from drama and I'll be leaving this state soon '' I said

'' we won't tell anyone '' Lilia said

'' right Maddie '' Lilia said to her

'' right '' Maddie agreed

'' especially millie '' I said

'' ok we won't we promise '' they said

'' but come back with us I have an old house in the middle of nowhere my grandpa used to live there no one goes by there no one will know well only some people so they can get to the train or bus stop since it's near by there '' Lilia said

'' ok '' I said

Millies pov

I think I should leave this town so much drama here and just go to another school

I packed my bags I'm gonna move with my grandma

my mum won't know I ran away neither will dad or my siblings

I just want to be drama free

3 weeks later

Im running away as I ran off i walked through these woods to get to the bus stop

10 minutes later I was almost out of these woods

I felt an arm grab me

'' mills don't do this '' I heard a voice it was finn

I stood there shocked

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