decided pt 2

92 5 32

Millies pov

'' is there anyone in there '' finn asked

'' oh shit sadies in there I'll go '' I said

'' no I'll go'' Caleb said

sadies pov

as I was walking out of the bathroom I saw fire spreading I can't I can't do it

as I ran I hit my head

'' shit '' I said

I coughed and coughed and coughed I couldn't breathe

Millies pov

'' I went in there I can't get her there's too much fire '' Caleb said

as we cried

no not sadie

it was too late for her

a day later

it was all on the news sadie sink dead

i miss her so much already

i feel so bad i couldn't save her

as I cried in Finns arms

'' it'll be ok '' finn said

'' i miss her so fucking much '' I cried

'' i can't imagine how sadies mother is feeling right now '' i said

'' or how Caleb feels '' I said

3 hours later

me and Finn decided to see caleb

as we knocked on his door

'' caleb '' i said

'' yes I know I haven't slept every since I miss her so much ive been crying all night '' he said

'' I have too she was my best friend '' I said

'' how are you holding up '' I asked

'' not really good'' he said

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