time pt 2

93 6 61

Millies pov

'' is black hoodie actually serious or is it all a trap '' noah said

'' he might be serious maybe'' caleb said

As we got more text

Black hoodie : bring loren too she deserves to know.

as we looked at loren

'' loren black hoodie says to bring you too '' Finn said

'' i'll come '' loren said

'' I think he's serious other wise he wouldn't have sent all of us '' Finn said

'' what if he's not '' gaten said

'' he might be '' caleb said

'' it could be a trap '' Maddie said

'' bring weapons just in case '' caleb said

as I grabbed a gun

as we grabbed our weapons

'' so just in case we should bring our phones '' loren said

'' it's a trap I'm not going '' noah and gaten said

'' come on guys what if black hoodie isn't lying and we miss out on who he or she really is '' Finn said

'' then we miss out '' gaten said

'' don't you wanna figure out black hoodies identity '' Finn said

'' fine we'll go '' noah and gaten said

'' stop arguing and let's go already '' lilia said

as I felt finn grab my hand

10 minutes later

we arrived at meadow park

as we looked for black hoodie


'' there's no one here '' noah said

'' yeah this is a waste of time '' gaten said

as we saw black hoodie come

as we stood back

as we stood there quietly looking at him or her

'' so are you gonna take your mask off or not '' lilia said as she broke the silence

as we saw black hoodie blow his or her whistle

as he / her took off his mask


'' you ? '' I said

'' hello there millie '' he said

it's jacob but he's dead

'' guys he isn't real nick killed him '' I said

'' you sure he looks pretty real '' lilia said

as we saw more black hoodies coming behind jacob

'' who are they ? '' finn said

'' that's not important right now nick killed an innocent person that looked like me he was your gardener but he was wearing the same outfit as me cause I gave it to him along time ago since we were friends '' jacob said

'' oh my god '' Finn said

'' do want me to show you the tape '' jacob said

'' you leaked the video of me and finn at the beach you fucking sick fuck '' I said

'' guys I think it's time you take off the mask '' jacob said as they took off the mask



'' what the fuck this isn't real '' I said

'' he wasn't lying '' Lilia said


'' what the fuck '' loren said

'' you knew I got kidnapped and didn't even help me '' loren said

'' loren honey we weren't really friends the only reason we are friends well not really cause i threatened to leak something of yours and I just used you to get information on millie and Finn and all of them '' ariel said

'' sadie how are you alive we thought you died in the fire '' I said

'' stop acting innocent you wanted me to die in the fire that's why you and your friends set the fire on purpose and exploded your house so I can die '' Sadie said

is she ok?

'' we are your friends we'd never '' Lilia said

'' you have a scar does it hurt '' Maddie asked

'' nope not that much '' Sadie said

'' i still can't believe you're alive '' caleb said

as she held romeos hand are they an item now?

how can she do this?

what had happened to the old sadie

'' so you did all of this cause of me '' I said

'' nope finn you want to tell her or should I '' jacob said

'' actually maybe some other day we gotta her going '' jacob said as they left

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