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Millies pov

a week later

as I woke up

I started vomiting all over the floor

'' whoa what the hell '' Finn said

'' I'm sorry '' I said as I stopped

'' it's ok you just scared me cause I just woke up '' he said

'' i'll clean it up '' I said

'' no it's ok I will '' he said as he kissed my head

'' get some rest '' he said

'' but I just w-'' i said as he cut me off

'' mills '' he said

'' try not to go anywhere you might be sick '' he said

as I laid back down

'' i will get you breakfast '' he said being sick is good when you get break in bed out of it.

as he left

2 minutes later

he gave me orange juice

and a waffle

'' feel better '' he said

as he laid next to me

2 hours later

Maddie : let's go to the nail salon :)

Me : I can't im vomiting rn I have nausea.

Maddie : oh ok feel better mil

Me : thanks.

as I heard a knock

'' i will get that rest mills'' Finn said

'' ok '' I said

'' hi lilia '' I heard finn say

'' millie is sick '' he said

'' oh what's wrong '' lilia said

'' well she's throwing up a lot '' Finn said

'' mil '' lilia said

'' hi '' I yelled across the hall

'' feel better bye '' lilia said

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