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Finns pov

Black hoodie : should've went home with your girlfriend you're gonna regret letting her go home by herself - bh ❤️


Black hoodie: sweetie I'm not gonna touch her

shit I better rush home quick

Millies pov

I heard my door open

maybe Finns home

'' finn are you home '' I asked as I got no response

as I fell to the floor

someone had shot me with syringe

Finns pov

as I walked in I saw millie on the floor and black hoodie standing there

with a mask on and a black hoodie

as he / she ran out quickly

I didn't care to chase after them I needed to make sure mills was alright

'' millie wake up please '' I said

as I checked her body he / she didn't touch her she wasn't hurt

so she'll be ok I think she's just asleep im so sorry mills I wasn't here for you I just wanted to play a stupid card game you're more important i love you.


a day later

'' hey finn'' millie said

'' millie you're awake '' I said as I hugged her

'' finn it's morning im always awake millie said

'' you don't remember anything'' I asked

'' nope i just remember hearing and it's all a blur '' millie said

'' mills today is our wedding '' i said

Millies pov

holy shit what

2 hours later

i changed into my wedding dress it was really the day i was gonna get married

i changed into my wedding dress it was really the day i was gonna get married

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finn wore this

as we walked out to the wedding

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as we walked out to the wedding

later that day

'' millie bobby brown do you take finn wolfhard as your husband? '' the priest said

'' I do '' I said

'' any objections'' the priest asked

'' nope '' everyone said

'' finn wolfhard do you take millie bobby brown as your wife '' the priest said

'' i do '' he said as we kissed

'' you may now - '' the man said

'' keep on doing what you're doing '' the man said

after that we just started dancing

as I heard slow music come one

as I saw finn grab my waist and started slow dancing as I started dancing as well

10 minutes later

I had to use the bathroom

as I walked into the bathroom I got a text from unknown

Black hoodie : hey millie luv i hope you enjoyed your wedding 🧚🏽‍♀️✨

Black hoodie : eat lots of wedding cake

Black hoodie : I'm capping I hope you didn't enjoy it ;)

what? im not even gonna respond maybe if I don't respond he/ she will go away.

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