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Millies pov

2 days later

I think finn will hate me if I tell him im pregnant I can't tell him

as I sat there biting my nails

'' mills what's up you look nervous '' he said i was very nervous

'' finn'' i said as I held his hands

'' I have something to tell you '' I said

'' anything '' he said

'' i- i'm pregnant'' i said as I stuttered

'' congratulations'' he said as I was relived

as he hugged me

'' but how we used protection when we were in Paris but I'm happy '' he said

'' didn't you have protection '' he asked

'' didn't you '' I asked

'' i was gonna ask you that when we were in Paris but you said '' shh '' and I thought you said that cause you had protection '' he said

'' I said shh cause I thought you had protection '' I said

'' But I'm happy mills I really am '' he said

'' me too '' I said

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