get to know you 

543 14 3

Millies pov

I got changed for school

I got changed for school

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I got a text from finn

Finn : I'm not picking you up in the morning just after school from now on

Me: ok


as I arrived at school

Jacob came up to me

'' you and Finn really aren't dating '' he said I hate that he was right

'' we really are dating accept it '' I said DID THAT JUST COME OUT OF MY MOUTH THATS DISGUSTING

as I walked away from him

'' hey finn '' i said

'' I think we should meet my mum if we want this fake relationship to be as realistic'' I said

'' not that I'm interested but we have to get to know everything about each other '' he said

'' we don't get know each other in this fake relationship'' I said

'' I still remember what you did say to me when I kissed you '' he said

'' PERVERT '' I yelled

'' let me remind you you're the one who though we were gonna do it '' he said

'' you made a move on me first '' I said

'' I make a move on anyone as I please '' he said


after school

my mum was here

'' hi millie I'm here '' my mum said

'' ok but my boyfriend is coming to pick me up '' I said ew

'' tell him he can come with us '' she said

'' id love to '' Finn said as he gave a confused look oh boy here's a disaster I kinda regret this now 

'' it's fine really '' I said

'' millie id like to get to know him '' she said I was gonna have them meet but I don't want to anymore

'' but -'' i said as I was cut off

'' millie he's coming '' she said ugh fine

'' ok '' i said

'' meet at our place dear '' my mum said as I got in the car with her

7 minutes later

'' come on in '' my mum said

she set up the table

who else is coming as I saw a few people come in sadies mum , maddies mum and lilias mum

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who else is coming as I saw a few people come in sadies mum , maddies mum and lilias mum

'' hello this is '' my mum stopped

'' im sorry I didn't get your name '' my mum said

'' it's finn '' he said

'' this is finn millies boyfriend'' she said

'' yep'' I said

'' so finn where are you from '' my mum asked

'' Vancouver British Columbia'' he said

'' that's lovely '' my mum said

'' what do you do for a living '' mum asked

'' im a musician '' he said

'' that's all I wanted to know '' mum said

'' let's eat '' everyone said

as we ate

13 minutes later

'' bye guys '' my mum said

me and Finn were still here

we walked out of my house

'' so mills'' he said

'' my goodbye kiss '' he said


'' your mom is staring at us in the window upstairs '' he said

as I looked up to the window oh shit

'' right here right now are you serious'' I yelled

'' we agreed to be a good couple remember'' he said

'' your mom could hear you screaming'' he said

I kissed him on the forehead

'' goodbye''I said

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