changed my mind

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Millies pov

It was time for me to go to school so I picked out this cute outfit

It was time for me to go to school so I picked out this cute outfit

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I love it I got a text message

Finn : let me pick you up today

Me : why?

Finn : so we look like a real couple that goes to school together;)

Me : ok

1 minute later

I got in the car

I walked into school seeing jacob and his girlfriend making out by the lockers I just ignore them and I held Finns hand

we went by the lockers and finn grabbed me by my waist

'' you two aren't actually dating are you '' I heard a voice it's jacob

'' so what if we are or aren't '' I said

'' cause finn wolfhard doesn't do relationships''jacob said

'' ive changed my mind '' Finn said as he walked to the lockers

'' listen up everyone I would like you all to know that im dating millie bobby brown and I changed my mind I do relationships now '' he said

'' he's capping you guys believe anything he hasn't been a relationship in 2 years '' jacob said

'' people change '' a girl said

'' shut up '' I heard a boy said

'' you're just jealous '' I said as Finn wrapped his arms around me as we walked back to class

'' so glad we got that over with '' I said

'' do you hate me that much '' Finn said

'' yes yes I do '' I said

'' why '' he asked

'' you're a manwhore you're a heart breaker and a player '' I said

'' im a player you're the one who played Romeo '' he said

'' i didn't play Romeo just lost interest'' I said

'' guys stop fighting you don't look lovey dovey act like a couple '' Lilia said

'' go to class '' Lilia said

Lilias pov.

As I walked the other direction there was a girl standing there shit I think she heard everything I said

'' hey did you hear what I said '' I asked

'' yes '' she said

'' don't tell anyone or i will kill you'' i said

'' ok i won't '' she said

i wasn't actually gonna kill her but i panicked and didn't know what i should've said

but I would ruin her life if she said anything about millie and Finn fake''  dating ''

Millies pov


I went house to Finns house to go study since he said I should go

and I did we studied in his room since were partners for a class


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